When facing a challenge, sometimes you're not as prepared as you'd like to be, or encounter unexpected obstacles. This week's video battles the elements to teach you to how to...
There's an old joke about two babies who were placed side-by-side in a hospital maternity ward. They lay there staring at one another. Decades later, in their 90s, the two...
First, let’s talk about the MINDSET. When I talk about the prosperity mindset, I’m talking […]
The post Power of Consistency and the HVAC Business appeared first on Weldon Long.
In an era of budget, time, and labor constraints, is it possible to sell your ideas and concepts (which often require money, time, and labor to implement) to the CEO, CFO, board...
If there was one thing that could change everything and elevate your life in unknowable ways, would you do it? We're in Houston, Texas, activating uncertainty.
Canadian Wayne Gretzky, the winningest ice hockey player of all time, was once asked the secret of his success. "Simple, he replied. "I don't skate to where the puck is, I skate...
As the forces that drive our work environments, required skills and job responsibilities continue to shift and evolve, you may be asking yourself, “How can I survive and succeed...
What Is It? A personal mission statement is like a constitution by which you make […]
The post The Personal Mission Statement appeared first on Weldon Long.
These are some of the things that today's young people are telling us in interviews:
"They act like their power is unquestionable, but anyone can be cancelled overnight."
In years past, many businesses have succeeded with an agile, reactive approach to business where they respond to climate, competition, and social circumstances in an "after the...
How do you do what's necessary and prepare for big moments when you're just not feeling it? I'm in New Orleans talking methods and motivation.
You don't need a crystal ball to see that we’re in a period of mass acceleration right now.
“It’s as if we’re driving the fastest race car ever imagined through unknown,...