Jon Acuff | One of INC's Top 100 Leadership Speakers, New York Times Bestselling Author of Soundtracks, Finish and Do Over

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Jon Acuff

One of INC's Top 100 Leadership Speakers, New York Times Bestselling Author of Soundtracks, Finish and Do Over

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Jon Acuff

Jon Acuff is the New York Times bestselling author of ten books, including his most recent, All it Takes is a Goal.

Published in dozens of languages, his work is both critically acclaimed and adored by readers. When he's not writing, Acuff can be found on a stage, as one of INC's Top 100 Leadership Speakers. He's spoken to hundreds of thousands of people at conferences, colleges and companies around the world including FedEx, Range Rover, Microsoft, Chick-fil-A, and Comedy Central. Known for his insights wrapped in humor, Acuff shared the stage with an American Icon when he opened up for Dolly Parton at the Ryman Auditorium.

Jon lives outside of Nashville, TN with his wife Jenny and two daughters.

Jon Acuff
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Time 01:35

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Speaking Reel
Time 01:35
All It Takes is a Goal
Time 02:57
Soundtracks for Real Estate Preview
Time 08:16
Keynote Preview
Time 04:20

Jon Acuff
Featured Keynote Programs

Dream, Plan, Do, Review
The Simple System the Best Teams in the World Always Use

It’s a complicated world. Even picking a show to watch is a chore. Have you ever scanned Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Apple+ and Max only to say, “There’s nothing on.” On the contrary, there’s 10,000 years of content to choose from but cognitive overload stresses us out so we retreat to reruns of the Office or the Gilmore Girls.

Business is no better. By the time you finish reading this sentence there will be new tools, techniques and regulations for your industry. How do successful teams and leaders make sense of all this chaos? With four simple words.

When New York Times Bestselling author Jon Acuff got curious about why certain teams float about the complexity and outperform everyone, he did three things:

He commissioned a research study with PhD Mike Peasley.
He built a private online community of 20,000+ to test what he learned.
He worked with more than 350 companies and teams.

Over the years of research, a pattern emerged. From Lexus to Walmart, Chick-fil-A to Microsoft, successful goals always require the same four stages: Dream, Plan, Do, Review.

In the dream stage, you answer the question, “What do we want to do?” In plan, you answer, “How will we do it?” In do, you simply ask, “Are we doing it?” In review, “Did it work?” 

If that’s really all it takes though, why doesn’t everybody use these stages? Well, most people do, but they get stuck.

Dreamers get stuck in the dream stage. A dreamer has 1,000 ideas and 0 actions.

Perfectionists get stuck in the plan stage. A perfectionist will change the world as soon as the plan is perfect.

Procrastinators get stuck in the do stage. A procrastinator will always start tomorrow.

Hustlers get stuck in the review stage. A hustler is addicted to do and can’t stand stopping to review to check if they’re headed in the right direction. They’re all motion, very little mission. 

This is the moment in the keynote when audience members elbow each other as they quickly, painlessly identify what’s holding them back. Then, pulling from his 9 books of research and resources, Jon unleashes tactical, actionable ways to apply DPDR immediately. 

Laced with the humor that saw him open for Dolly Parton at the Ryman and the customization that makes him one of the most rebooked speakers in the history of Premiere, Jon’s new keynote is perfect for your team. 

How the best teams overcome overthinking to navigate change, increase productivity and win consistently.

Overthinking isn’t a personality trait. It’s the sneakiest form of fear.

It steals time, creativity, and energy. It’s the most expensive, least productive thing companies invest in without even knowing it. When New York Times Bestselling author Jon Acuff and Mike Peasley PhD asked more than 10,000 people if they struggled with overthinking, they were shocked to discover the results. More than 99.5% of people said, “Yes.” Overthinking prevents nearly everyone from doing their best work.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way? What if there were simple, surprisingly fun techniques you and your team could use to transform overthinking from a super problem into a superpower? What if you could take all those repetitive thoughts, which Acuff calls soundtracks, and make them work for you, not against you with a new mindset?

What if you could create new soundtracks that help you navigate change, increase productivity and win consistently?

Great results always require great actions which always start with great thoughts. Let Acuff show you how to create them with a new keynote that will teach you to:

1. Retire the broken soundtracks that have been holding you back.
2. Replace them with new soundtracks that propel you forward.
3. Repeat the new ones so often they become as automatic as the old ones.




Can tapping into the full potential of your team really be that easy? INC Top 100 Leadership Speaker Jon Acuff, thousands of research participants and the best companies in the world say, “Yes!”

The year 2020 was catnip for overthinking, but if overthinking steals time, creativity and energy, guess what your team is about to get back? Time, creativity and energy.

It’s time to start listening to a new soundtrack with Jon Acuff.

All It Takes Is A Goal

When New York Times bestselling author Jon Acuff got curious about tapping into his full potential, he launched a research study with professor Dr. Mike Peasley. They asked more than three thousand people if they felt they were living up to their full potential.

50 percent of people reported that 50 percent of their full potential is untapped. That means half of us are walking around with half-lives. No wonder Twitter is so grumpy.

Imagine if every Christmas you only opened up half your gifts. You could see the rest—a whole pile of them in the corner of the room—but you never got to open them.

Would that make for a happy Christmas, a happy house, a happy job, a happy anything?

It wouldn’t, but what if it didn’t have to be that way?

What if you could have a fulfilling career?

What if you could hit all your sales goals?

What if you could become the leader you’ve always known you were?

What if each day felt like a gift and each year progressively got better?

What if you could escape the Comfort Zone, avoid the Chaos Zone, and live in the Potential Zone?

What if you could turn Easy Goals into Middle Goals and even Guaranteed Goals?

That would be the best.

And what if, all it takes is a goal?
Find out how to turn all your opportunities into goals you and your team actually accomplish with this brand new keynote from INC Magazine Top 100 Leadership Speaker Jon Acuff. 

Pivot, Don’t Panic
The Four Investments Smart Teams Rely on During Uncertainty (Virtual Presentation)

Six months ago, “change” was something we all knew we’d need to deal with someday. It was just over the horizon. It was around the corner. We knew it would come, we just didn’t know when and we didn’t know how. Then the world got flipped upside down.

Change is no longer a topic of conversation for your team, it’s the norm. The new vocabulary. The new reality. The elephant isn’t hiding in the corner of the room now. The elephant is the entire room.

Every team will face a choice. Pivot or panic? The smart ones will lean into four different investments. They’ll double down on Skills, Character, Relationships and Hustle in intentional ways that bring clarity to chaos. They’ll refocus, rebuild, and relaunch to better serve their community. They’ll emerge with new tools and a new direction. Why? Because a crisis is a classroom. It’s an invitation to innovation you might not have planned for, but definitely need.

Join New York Times Bestselling author Jon Acuff as he shares practical steps and inspiring insights to help your team navigate this brave new world.

We all get to make a choice. Every day our team members and our communities are counting on us to make the right one.

Pivot, don’t panic.

Jon Acuff
Featured Books

All It Takes Is a Goal: The 3-step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap into Your Massive Potentialby Jon Acuff

All It Takes Is a Goal: The 3-step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap into Your Massive Potential

by Jon Acuff

What if you could accomplish your goals as easily as you can dream them? Popular speaker and New York Times bestselling author shows you how to effectively set goals to escape your comfort zone, make measurable progress, and reach your full potential.

Your New Playlist: The Student's Guide to Tapping into the Superpower of Mindsetby Jon Acuff

Your New Playlist: The Student's Guide to Tapping into the Superpower of Mindset

by Jon Acuff

When Jon Acuff's book Soundtracks, came out, one reaction surprised him. Parents across the country all said the same thing: "Do you have a version for teenagers? If I knew how to change my mindset when I was that age, my entire life would have been different." Why did they say that? Because truth grows like compound interest. Saving money when you're young has a bigger impact than it does when you save in your 40s. A single new soundtrack--Acuff's phrase for a repetitive thought--believed when you're 14 or 18 can change your whole life in the same way. In response, Acuff tagged his two daughters to help him create an honest, actionable guide to mindset for teenagers.

Your thoughts can work for you or against you, but the good news is you get a choice. The even better news is when you're young, your entire world is made of new. You're a movie that's barely started, a notebook with blank pages to fill, a song that hasn't hit the chorus. You have your whole life ahead of you. When you learn to create new thoughts, those thoughts lead to actions, and those actions lead to new results. Are you ready to tap into the superpower of mindset? Just hit play.

Soundtracksby Jon Acuff


by Jon Acuff

Overthinking isn't a personality trait. It's the sneakiest form of fear.

It steals time, creativity, and goals. It's the most expensive, least productive thing companies invest in without even knowing it. And it's an epidemic. When New York Times bestselling author Jon Acuff changed his life by transforming his overthinking, he wondered if other people might benefit from what he discovered. He commissioned a research study to ask 10,000 people if they struggle with overthinking too, and 99.5 percent said, "Yes!"

The good news is that in Soundtracks, Acuff offers a proven plan to change overthinking from a super problem into a superpower.

When we don't control our thoughts, our thoughts control us. If our days are full of broken soundtracks, thoughts are our worst enemy, holding us back from the things we really want. But the solution to overthinking isn't to stop thinking. The solution is running our brains with better soundtracks. Once we learn how to choose our soundtracks, thoughts become our best friend, propelling us toward our goals.

If you want to tap into the surprising power of overthinking and give your dreams more time and creativity, learn how to DJ the soundtracks that define you. If you can worry, you can wonder. If you can doubt, you can dominate. If you can spin, you can soar.

Finishby Jon Acuff


by Jon Acuff

From New York Times bestselling author Jon Acuff, a book for those who want relief from always starting and never being done.          
Jon Acuff, sought-after speaker and consultant, is the friend who always gives you great advice. With his self-depricating humor and charm, he has won over hundreds of thousands of followers, who come to him for both encouragement and a kick in the pants. Now, after showing you how to reboot your career in his New York Times bestseller Do Over, Acuff shows chronic starters how to actually finish their goals in an age of bottomless distractions and endless opportunities.   

Acuff knows the reason why many writers’ novels go unfinished–it’s the same reason why gyms are filled in the first week of January, and empty by the end of the month, and why people stop learning a new language once they get past the easy parts. It’s not just that people lose momentum or get distracted. People give up on projects when they fail to live up to their own high expectations and decide that if they can’t do something perfectly they won’t do it at all. If you’re going to finish, you have to kill perfectionism. 

Drawing on his popular 30 Days of Hustle course, Acuff teaches readers to short-circuit perfectionism and make it through to the end of a task. Whether it’s by “choosing what to bomb” or “cutting a goal in half,” he shows readers how to move past “the day after perfect,” get focused, and–finally- finish.  


Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuckby Jon Acuff

Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck

by Jon Acuff

It took me sixteen years to write this book. That breaks down to a brisk twelve words per day. But it wasn’t the writing that took so long. . . . It was the working.  

I had to work at big companies and small companies. I had to get hired and fired several times. I had to find my dream job, then walk away from it. But after all that, I can now say the following with absolute certainty:

You already have everything you need for an amazing career. In fact, you’ve had it since day one.

Starting on the first day you got paid to scoop ice cream or restock shelves, you’ve had the chance to develop the four elements all great careers have in common: relationships, skills, character, and hustle. You already have each of those, to one degree or another.

Now it’s time to amplify them and apply them in a new way, creating a Career Savings Account™. This unique approach will give you the power to call a Do Over—whether you’re twenty-two, forty-two, or sixty-two. You’ll have the resources to reinvent your work and get unstuck. You’ll even rescue your Mondays as you discover how to work toward the job you’ve always wanted!

Just as a bank account protects you during a financial crunch, a Career Savings Account™ protects you during a career crunch. You need a CSA because you’ll eventually face at least one of these major transitions:

   •  You will hit a Career Ceiling and get stuck, requiring sharp skills to free yourself. 
   •  You will experience a Career Bump and unexpectedly lose your job, requiring strong relationships to survive.  
   •  You will make a Career Jump to a new role, requiring solid character to push through uncertainty and chaos. 
   •  You will get a surprise Career Opportunity, requiring dedicated hustle to take advantage of it.

It took me sixteen years to figure out how to call a Do Over on my career. Please don’t wait sixteen more seconds before starting yours.

A consultant, public speaker and best-selling author describes how to make career changes and to avoid feeling trapped in the wrong job by changing the way workers view their skills, relationships and work ethics through the use of a Career Savings Account.

Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job & Your Dream Jobby Jon Acuff

Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job & Your Dream Job

by Jon Acuff

Presents advice on how to achieve one's goal of obtaining a "dream" job. 

Start.: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, Do Work That Mattersby Jon Acuff

Start.: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, Do Work That Matters

by Jon Acuff

Offers advice on getting out of a rut and on the path to being awesome, explaining why the road to success in work and life has changed over the past century and how to start living and learning at any age.   

Jon Acuff
Featured Reviews

Jon Acuff
Featured Articles & Resources

Mastering the Art of Goal-Setting with Jon Acuff: Insights from a Leading Motivational Speaker

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The 4 Mistakes Public Speakers Make & How You Can Avoid Them

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Interruptions, overwhelming tasks, long goals, and day jobs: How to win 4 situations everyone faces.

There are endless distractions that are constantly taking us away from the things we try to accomplish. Some are innocent, like when your kids need help with...
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How to get the cheat codes from people smarter than you, AKA find a mentor. (Part 2)

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How to build your own time machine, AKA find a mentor. (Part 1)

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5 Steps I Use to Write New York Times Bestsellers

Welcome to Week 3 of the Summer School series! This week we're talking about the five steps I use to write New York Times Bestselling Books. We'll discuss the...
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