Simon T. Bailey | Author, Catalyst of Brilliance

Simon T. Bailey

Author, Catalyst of Brilliance

Simon T. Bailey

Recognized as a trailblazer in his field, Simon’s dedication to transformation and brilliance has earned him a spot as one of Success magazine’s Top 25, joining Brené Brown, Tony Robbins, and Oprah Winfrey, as well as leadersHum Top 200 Power List in 2023. For over two decades, he has mesmerized the world, leaving an indelible mark on 2,300+ organizations across 54 countries. Corporate giants such as American Express, Deloitte, Marriott, Visa, Stanford Health Care, and Taco Bell have all experienced his magnetic allure.

Amidst the pressing challenges of talent retention, employee burnout, the Great Resignation, and the impact of remote work on mental health, a billion-dollar retailer sought innovative solutions to invest in organizational health and prioritize employee well-being. Recognizing the importance of upskilling managers for the future, they turned to Simon T. Bailey, International for guidance.

Through a transformative three-month coaching program, Simon virtually mentored 3,000 managers, empowering them to transition from a command-and-control leadership approach to a heart-centered style rooted in Caring Science. This strategic coaching was particularly vital in the retail sector, known for its high turnover rates, and the results were remarkable. Participants scored between 94% and 97% in categories reflecting their confidence in their ability to coach effectively, allowing the Fortune 500 company to nurture and retain top talent while fostering a healthier and more productive workplace.

With a love and dedication to coaching individuals and organizations, Simon has now created Brilliant Coaching.™ This transformative growth experience offers tailored solutions to meet unique needs and align with specific goals and objectives, empowering both individuals and organizations to unlock their full potential.

But his accomplishments don’t end there. Simon has made a remarkable impact with 11 books in his illustrious repertoire, and 14 groundbreaking courses on the LinkedIn Learning platform, translated into eight languages and consumed by over 400,000 professionals from more than 100 countries. His dedication to brilliance and transformation has been recognized with an honorary Doctorate of Science in Business Administration from Cleary University, further cementing his status among the titans of our time.

In this new chapter, Simon T. Bailey unveils his latest audacious endeavor: BrilliantU.™ This digital experience transcends the boundaries of imagination, equipping and mentoring leaders to thrive and flourish in tumultuous economies. With a commitment to practical strategies that transform lives and ignite change within communities, Simon’s mission is clear — to kindle brilliance within leaders, forever altering the way they steer nations, corporations, and societies.

Simon T. Bailey
Featured Videos

Current: Bill Luth Testimonial

Time 01:49

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Bill Luth Testimonial
Time 01:49
Meet Simon T. Bailey
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Ignite the Customer Experience
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Simon Hits Rock Bottom
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Simon T. Bailey
Featured Keynote Programs

Leading with SPARK
Create a Culture Where Everyone Matters

Transformational leaders are divergent thinkers who refuse to settle for a status quo culture. They are relentless in creating an environment where everyone belongs and brings their best selves to work.

This is a conscious inclusive mindset that fosters growth, high performance, and trust. Culture is more than the mission and vision of the organization. Culture happens when no one is looking. As business changes at the speed of light, an organization’s culture will stand the test of time if it’s built on the right foundation.

Leading with Spark is understanding that the purpose of leadership is to invite men and women on a journey to discover the leader within themselves while they’re following you. A leader can only take people to a place that he or she has already experienced.

Leading with Spark is understanding that innovation only happens when everyone has a seat at the table and their voice can be heard.

Leading with Spark is releasing the need to always be right and shifting to creating a culture that evolves from “me to we”.

Forward-thinking leaders are forward-looking leaders who understand the difference between effectiveness and busyness. Culture is the game-changer that attracts talent, engages customers, and establishes a brand in the next decade.

Key Takeaways for Leading with Spark:
• What is culture and how to establish one where everyone believes that they belong
• How to create a deeper connection with talent so that they become the ambassadors for the brand
• Spark a relationship with customers by understanding culture + connection + customers = revenue

Having Hard Conversations is Good for Business

How to respond to the BLM Movement authentically and appropriately.

The murder of George Floyd on May 25th has highlighted on a global scale what Black, Indigenous, and People of Color have experienced since the birth of our country.

The trauma and tragedy we are suffering as a nation are palpable, and it is impossible to isolate everything you feel, think, and experience personally from how you show up professionally.

One of the opportunities I’m seeing in the power of this new civil rights movement is the breadth and depth of conversations that are being initiated. Across industries, individuals and organizations are asking what they can do and how they can help.

Virtual Presentation

Shift Your Brilliance: Lead Differently
Industries are being transformed at the speed of light. To keep adapting to the changing times, organizations need leaders that reset their mindset. The leadership skills of yesterday will not carry the day in an economy of uncertainty. However, leaders who adopt forward-looking thinking can positively influence the culture of their companies and position it for future success. In this webinar, Simon will share just-in-time insights for leaders of teams and influencers who lead without a title.

In this fast-paced 60-75 minute webinar with Q&A, you will experience a robust dialogue that will yield the following results:
Learning Objectives:

Mental Agility practices just for leaders
3 best practice recommendations to lead remote teams
Process ambiguity quicker and execute better
Create a permission-to-innovate team culture

Thriving through Adversity (for teams)
Audacious individuals possess a daring attitude of confidence with a high disregard for conformity, conventional thinking or common existence. They focus their energy like a laser and have a can-do must-do mindset. As a result, they spark their team members with hope to co-create a better future. Get ready to pivot and reignite your internal your team to re-emerge and see differently in the new normal.

In this fast-paced 60-minute webinar, you will experience a robust dialogue that will yield the following results:
Permission to innovate
Understand why connectedness is your new edge
A personal challenge to create and execute

Act like an Employee and Think like a CEO

Men and women with SPARK understand that a paycheck is given to people who show up, and opportunities are given to those who think and work beyond what they are paid to do.

This is a fresh way of thinking in 2020 and beyond. As CEO (Chief Execution Officer) of your life, you’re intentionally accountable to having a fluid career vision, high-performance behaviors, positive habits, and consistent execution. You have the uncanny ability to produce uncommon results in uncommon times.

Are you that person that the organization cannot live without?

Team Members with SPARK are transformational thinkers that positively impact everyone else around them by raising the vibrational level to produce tangible results. When everyone else is saying NO! Team members with SPARK find a way to say YES!

Men and Women with SPARK are leaders without titles who leverage relationship capital to do what is common in an uncommon way.

Men and Women with SPARK stop waiting for human resources to assign a new role and pivot from a job description to doing meaningful tasks.

Men and Women with SPARK fire themselves from their jobs and re-hire themselves as “intrapreneuers” intending to take their organization to the next level.

When I served as Sales Director at Disney Institute, I learned when I sparked moments for the people I was serving, I also sparked something in myself. I realize we spend so much time at work, if we’re going to revolutionize our lives, we have to leverage the moments we’re on the clock. Now, I’m dedicated to helping you uncover your inner fire and grow it each and every day. I want to teach you the mental algorithm to be a SPARK so that you can accelerate your results.

Key Takeaways for SPARK: Act like an Employee and Think like a CEO:
• How to upgrade your skill and stop waiting for the organization to do it for you.
• Be an Influencer who understands what’s happening at 30,000 feet and can execute at 500 feet.
• Build Relationships with the C-Suite through proximity positioning.
• How to leverage the eyes and ears of others throughout the organization.
• Follow the money by obtaining financial intelligence.
• How to understand and navigate the internal culture to get things done.
• Speaking is the New Marketing – learn how to use your mouth and mind to advance your career

Simon T. Bailey
Featured Books

Ignite the Power of Women in Your Life: A Guide for Menby Simon T. Bailey

Ignite the Power of Women in Your Life: A Guide for Men

by Simon T. Bailey

In this complex and chaotic time, we need more than ever the particular skills and attributes women possess and can bring to the table. In order to create an environment where the full potentials of these women can be realized, men need to learn how to help ignite the immanent and distinct sparks within them, so these women can, in turn, warm the lives of those they touch. To move successfully, into the future, men need to be able to live in relationships that are whole, genuine and open. They need to understand how to be their best, most vulnerable selves. They need to know how to celebrate and connect on a deep level with the women in their lives. With raw honesty and hard-learned truths, Mr. Bailey invites men (and women) into a world where they can do just that in this compelling and necessary guide. The book is an important read - meant to be kept close by and referenced often. Read it, follow it, live it and watch as your life blazes more intensely - lit by lighting the fires of the women you love and work with on a daily basis.

Be The Sparkby Simon T. Bailey

Be The Spark

by Simon T. Bailey
Releasing Leadership Brilliance: Breaking Sound Barriers in Educationby Simon T. Bailey

Releasing Leadership Brilliance: Breaking Sound Barriers in Education

by Simon T. Bailey

What separates good leaders from brilliant ones?

How do you successfully move your school or district from mediocrity to brilliance? Drawing on their expertise in business and education, the authors provide a simple, sustainable framework that will help you overcome educational inertia to reach new heights of achievement. The authors use the forces of flight as a powerful metaphor:

  • Weight: Discover your Personal Brilliance through self-discovery

  • Lift: Engage Collaborative Brilliance through collaboration with all stakeholders

  • Thrust: Drive Team Brilliance by encouraging smart risks and designing potent changes

  • Reduce Drag: Expand Student Brilliance by unleashing imagination, resilience, and hope

Download the free study guide at

Release Your Brillianceby Simon T. Bailey

Release Your Brilliance

by Simon T. Bailey

Each of us is born brilliant. Then we spend the rest of our lives having our brilliance buried by people, circumstances, and experiences. Eventually, we forget that we ever had genius and special talents, and our brilliance is locked away in a vault deep within. So we settle for who we are, instead of striving for who we were meant to be.

Release Your Brilliance provides the combination to the vault where your brilliance is kept. After struggling for thirty-two years with disillusion, defeat, and despair, author Simon T. Bailey cracked the code to personal transformation, turning his life around and becoming a highly successful entrepreneur, respected family man and community leader. Using the metaphor that we're all diamonds in the rough, Simon shares the four key steps to cut and polish the gem that is you in order to reawaken your genius, reignite your internal light, and release your potential. He guides your transformation with interactive tools such as Personal Appraisal exercises, Diamond Polishing action steps, and true stories of Living Diamonds. Join the thousands of individuals and organizations worldwide who've sat down with Simon and learned to create lasting change and release their brilliance!

Success is an Inside Jobby Simon T. Bailey

Success is an Inside Job

by Simon T. Bailey
Brilliant Livingby Simon T. Bailey

Brilliant Living

by Simon T. Bailey

Are you tired of waiting, concerned about where things are going? Or are you simply ready to shift your life, career, or business into high gear? If so, you're ready for brilliant living.

This inspirational guide will help you experience the amazing effects and reap the untold rewards of living a brilliant life. In this easily read book, author and speaker, Simon T. Bailey, walks you through eight core areas of life that must be evaluated in order to improve your life.

These key areas to growth and brilliance include:

  • Spirituality
  • Family
  • Career/Business
  • Emotions
  • Mentality
  • Health
  • Social Life
  • Finances

The lessons contained within this book can be used to enhance one specific core area or several at the same time. Organized into small sections, the material can be read incrementally for greater impact. The readings will provide inspiration and practical steps that--when applied--will help you move from being an average performer to brilliant producer.

Read, affirm, and act on these principles, and you will be launched into brilliant living today!

Shift Your Brillianceby Simon T. Bailey

Shift Your Brilliance

by Simon T. Bailey

Brilliance Is A Decision
It's Time to Disrupt Your Current Reality and...
Experience Your Shift Into Brilliance

This book is your roadmap, your call to action; your opportunity to create accelerated results professionally, personally and financially. It is time for you to turn every day into a brilliant breakthrough. 

Shift Your Brilliance will teach you:

  • Strategies for sharpening your focus
  • Steps to clear your vision
  • Actions to harness individual and organizational potential
  • Tools to unearth what really sets you on fire
  • Tips on how to become a Chief Breakthrough Officer

Its now time for you to Shift Your Brilliance!

Simon T. Bailey
Featured Reviews

Simon T. Bailey
Featured Articles & Resources

SPARK for Leaders - Simon T. Bailey

Over the last 30 years of being in the hospitality industry, I have had the opportunity to work with 6 different companies in 10 different jobs.   Since then, after leaving...
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Kindness Has No Color

Have you ever met someone who is a loner? They are, at best, a socialized introvert and prefer being alone than around people. Well, that describes a part of me. I enjoy...
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