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December 02, 2019

Disruptive Innovation

I’m drawn to buzzwords.  Particularly business buzzwords. They sometimes “muddy the water”, but “at the end of the day” these metaphors can help us “get all our ducks in a row."...
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December 02, 2019

Finish Strong

With the end of the year in sight, will you coast to completion or finish strong? This two-minute video will help you better enjoy the holidays AND get a jump start on...
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Topics:   Personal Growth
December 01, 2019

Let's Learn to Love Others Well

I believe that now more than ever, the world needs to experience love – a God kind of love – and all of us can be carriers of this kind of love. I am the recipient of love...
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December 01, 2019

10 Customer-Centric Questions to Create Irresistible Value

With our Thanksgiving feasts behind us, ’tis the season of 2020 business planning. Ironically, the theme of gratitude may actually be our best strategy in the new year. In...
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November 29, 2019

The Literacy Principle

To develop students’ reading proficiency and motivation to read, we need to make daily teacher read alouds, instructional and independent reading, and writing about reading the...
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November 26, 2019

Take Your Biggest Problem and Skip It

Every business runs into issues that can or will halt progress and cause the company to stagnate. These include slow cash flow, out-of-date technology, and long sales...
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November 25, 2019

Feeling Good: The Fuel that Drives Motivation

I’m about to give you a golden nugget of information that can change your life forever. Are you ready? Here it is. The key to staying motivated throughout the day is to make...
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Topics:   Motivation ,   Humor ,   Humorous Motivational
November 24, 2019

The Difference Between Influence and Opinions

Have you ever stopped to think about the difference between opinions and influence? When I think about my family and the seven siblings I grew up with, I can tell you that we...
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Topics:   Personal Growth ,   Leadership
November 24, 2019

Creative Confidence is Not What You Think

We imagine a brilliant artist approaching their work with the masterpiece perfectly etched in their mind before a single brush stroke graces the canvas. Or a prolific musician...
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Topics:   Personal Growth ,   Business
November 20, 2019

So Much Data, So Little Time. Until Now.

In a way, the exponential growth of machine-to-machine communications with connected sensors, or what is called the Internet of Things (IoT), has become an example of too...
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Topics:   Futurists ,   Technology
November 18, 2019

The Speech I Never Intended to Give

Some of you know this already. Others of you do not. Except for friends and family and close colleagues, I've stayed silent. A few weeks ago, I was invited on John Maxwell's...
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November 18, 2019

A Tool for Fighting Indifference

"Why do we have to go?" Not naming names, but this question was whined out by one of my four little angels as we prepared to leave for church early yesterday morning. I...
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Topics:   Leadership
Total Pages: 343