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February 28, 2021

39 Quotes on Innovation, Creativity, and Performance

As we work to learn, grow, and thrive, let’s learn from the legends. Here are 39 of my favorite quotations from the giants of business, art, music, and innovation. I hope you...
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February 24, 2021

In a Digital World, Protect your Most Valuable Asset: Ideas

These days, data has become more valuable in our economy than oil. There have been many discussions about the individual value of your personal data, how to protect it, and...
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Topics:   Business ,   Cyber Security ,   Futurists
February 23, 2021

How Zak Morgan Followed His Passion and Teaches Kids to Believe in Themselves

How do you find your passion, keep evolving, make a pivot in a pandemic--and delight your audience along the way? My latest guest on The Next 24 Hours podcast has been called a...
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February 23, 2021

3 Ways to Start Changing Your Mindset

Want to change your mindset? Want to tweak your self-talk? Want to become more mindful without going on a 90-day Jared Leto-style silent retreat in Sedona? Listen to this...
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February 23, 2021


The key to creativity, peak performance, and true happiness may not be to take life "seriously," but to learn to engage in Serious PLAY. This week's video will help you access...
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February 21, 2021

Becoming Backable

Getting someone to take a chance on you is one of the most important steps to achieving success in both business and life. Yet mastering the art of persuasion is often...
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Topics:   Business ,   Business Gurus ,   Business Ethics
February 18, 2021

How to Create a Shareable Job Aid

The number one most effective form of shareable job aid I have seen is the humble checklist. It's a simple but powerful tool used from kindergarten classrooms to nuclear launch...
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February 18, 2021

Digital Body language - Sales and Service in our Virtual World

As we transition to a world where virtual sales, marketing, and engagement are the norms rather than the exception, sales professionals are realizing that there is an intangible...
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February 17, 2021

When No One Believes You Can Do It, Try Anyway

Dr. Ruth Gotian If you ever saw the movie Cool Runnings, you heard the unlikely story of the Jamaican bobsledding team. Four men, raised in a tropical environment, who never...
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February 17, 2021

Bravery is a choice not a feeling. Here's how to choose it today

In the 1800s, sailors would stamp, "Here be dragons" on unexplored, dangerous sections of maps. It was meant to serve as a warning, but what if there aren't as many dragons as...
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February 17, 2021

Post-Pandemic Planning Requires Anticipation

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, exponential digital transformation was the biggest disruption many organizations and leaders within those organizations concerned...
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Total Pages: 343