Rohit Bhargava | Expert on marketing, digital disruption, innovation, trend curation. Professor Georgetown University: Digital Strategy & Storytelling. TEDx speaker. Bestselling author of five books.

Rohit Bhargava

Expert on marketing, digital disruption, innovation, trend curation. Professor Georgetown University: Digital Strategy & Storytelling. TEDx speaker. Bestselling author of five books.

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Washington, DC

Rohit Bhargava

Rohit Bhargava is an innovation and marketing expert, skilled facilitator, and keynote speaker. After a successful 15-year career as a brand and marketing strategist at two of the largest agencies in the world (Ogilvy and Leo Burnett), Rohit became an entrepreneur and has since started three companies. He is the 3-time Wall Street Journal bestselling author of eight books on topics as wide-ranging as the future of business, building a brand with personality, and how to create a more diverse and inclusive world and has delivered sold-out keynote presentations and workshops to business leaders in 32 countries. His signature book Non-Obvious is updated annually with 15 new trend predictions, has been read and shared by more than 1 million readers and is translated into twelve languages. Rohit has been invited to share his insights at some of the most forward-looking organizations in the world including Intel, NASA, Disney, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Microsoft, American Express, BP, the World Bank, Coca-Cola, and hundreds of others.

Outside of his consulting work, Rohit also teaches his popular signature course on storytelling and marketing at Georgetown University in Washington DC and has been invited to deliver guest lectures at many other prestigious schools including Stanford and Wharton. For the past 17 years, Rohit has also been writing his personal “Influential Marketing Blog” which has been featured in global media and named one of the top 25 marketing blogs in the world by AdAge magazine. He is regularly interviewed and featured as an expert commentator in global media including Harvard Business Review, The Guardian, and NPR. Rohit also writes a monthly column for GQ magazine in Brazil on technology and trends.

Thanks to his many years of sharing insights, Rohit has been recognized alongside visionary business leaders like Sir Richard Branson and Tom Peters as a “Top 100 Thought Leader in Trustworthy Business Behavior” and was named by global recruiting firm Korn Ferry as one of the “Most Influential South Asians In Media and Entertainment.”

On a personal level, Rohit is married and lives with his wife and two boys in the Washington DC area. He is a lifelong fan of anything having to do with the Olympics (he’s been to five so far and is really looking forward to Paris 2024!) and actively avoids anything having to do with cauliflower (yuck!). Outside of work, Rohit believes that the most entertaining and impactful job he will ever have is being a great dad and teaching his sons to be kind when no one expects it, curious about the things others take for granted, and confident enough to change the world.

Rohit Bhargava
Featured Videos

Current: Speaking Reel

Time 04:00

More Videos From Rohit Bhargava

Speaking Reel
Time 04:00
Remote Work and Resiliency
Time 37:36
How To Be Remotely Innovative
Time 17:14
The Future Normal
Time 22:54

Rohit Bhargava
Featured Keynote Programs

How to Lead the Future with Non-Obvious Thinking

See What Others Miss and Shift Your Perspective

This candid, fast-paced session reveals the five habits of non-obvious thinkers that can help you see opportunities others don’t, be more resilient, and lead the future.

This program is ideal for leaders and teams who want to:

Create a strategy to take their organization into the future and navigate significant change or disruption
Understand their future customers and prepare their business to serve needs those customers haven’t demanded yet (but will one day)
Broaden their perspective outside their industry so they can take ideas from many sectors and expertly apply them to their own roles and business

The audience will leave with a grasp of:

Five immediately usable habits they can integrate into their daily lives to broaden their perspective, be more creative, and see the world differently
The fundamental forces of disruption that are shifting consumer behavior and beliefs across industries and what this means for them
What trends are, what they aren’t, why they matter, and how they can start to identify trends and patterns of behavior for themselves

How Leaders and Brands Can Be More Trusted in A Skeptical World

Be More Authentic and Believable

This entertaining talk reveals the five “non-obvious” secrets of building trust so you can stand out as authentic, human, and trustworthy in an untrusting world.

This program will empower leaders and teams to:

Build a culture of trust and improve employee retention by inspiring their team to believe in the work they do and the leaders who lead them
Spot the “trust killers” in everyday management and communications practices and fix them so trust can thrive both internally and externally
Learn from the examples of high-trust organizations whose reputation allows them to maintain loyal customers and an inspired team

The audience will leave with:

Insights on how trust is earned and lost in the middle of our modern “believability crisis”
Techniques anyone can use to be more trustworthy and believable
A leadership model for establishing more authenticity and trust among teams that can be replicated at all levels of the organization
A roadmap for identifying the practices and policies that kill trust and rethinking them in a way that will create an immediate impact

The Art of Non-Obvious Storytelling, Marketing & Branding

Create Brand Loyalty, Stand Out from the Competition, and Be More Persuasive and Engaging

This “non-obvious” keynote will teach you how to apply the secrets of the world’s best storytellers to create more persuasive marketing and a brand that commands trust.

This program will help leaders and teams:

Achieve buy-in at all levels of an organization for branding, messaging, or strategic shifts either planned or already happening
Align a team across departments with a shared understanding of branding, positioning, marketing, storytelling, and the part everyone plays in shaping the organization’s perception in the marketplace
Articulate why storytelling matters and make it more approachable and realistic for everyone to use in their daily roles.

The audience will leave with:

The key principles of storytelling and guidelines for applying them in a business context to improve communications and be more persuasive
A 360-degree view of marketing, branding, communications, and sales, and the way these elements should collaborate, no matter what department they work for within your organization
A template for crafting a persuasive company story and then bringing that story to life through actions, communications, and everyday practices

The Future Normal
How to Anticipate What Comes Next & Trends That Matter

Futuristic ideas are now becoming daily realities and going mainstream. What are the biggest trends shaping our future? In this engaging session inspired by the upcoming book (October 2022), you’ll get an exclusive advanced look at some of the biggest trends that matter in a world shaped by the pandemic and you’ll leave with new ideas for how to win in a disrupted future. Note – this keynote can also be delivered in a unique interview format with Rohit’s co-author, Henry Coutinho-Mason.

Rohit Bhargava
Featured Books

Non Obviousby Rohit Bhargava

Non Obvious

by Rohit Bhargava
The Future Normalby Rohit Bhargava

The Future Normal

by Rohit Bhargava

Rohit Bhargava
Featured Reviews

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Rohit Bhargava

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