Arun Chaudhary | First Official White House Videographer

Arun Chaudhary

First Official White House Videographer

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Arun Chaudhary

Arun Chaudhary is a filmmaker working in politics. He was the first Official White House Videographer, a position created for him at the beginning of the Obama administration. Chaudhary traveled extensively with the President, capturing public events and behind-the-scenes moments as well as producing and packaging presidential tapings for the Internet and broadcast television. He is the creator and architect of "West Wing Week", the first-ever online video diary of the White House. During his tenure, he wrote, produced, shot and edited over 63 episodes of West Wing Week, documenting the President through his rigorous weekly agenda. He also directed many tapings of the Weekly Address.

Chaudhary was a key member of Barack Obama's New Media team during the 2008 campaign. As the New Media Road Director, Chaudhary oversaw the team responsible for capturing the day-to-day life of the future president in video and stills. He and his team set a new standard in documenting history, delivering crucial images to the public from the road in real time.

Before joining the Obama team, Chaudhary worked in film in New York and was part of the NYU Graduate Film Department faculty. He got his MFA in Filmmaking from NYU and his BA in Film Theory from Cornell University.

He has been profiled by the New York Times, the BBC, National Journal, Politico, Fortune, and many political websites, and led a Frog design mind seminar at NYU with Fast Company's Ellen McGirt. He lives in Houston, TX, with his wife, son and daughter.

Arun Chaudhary
Featured Keynote Program

Political Persuasion
The Three States of Public Opinion

Learning Objectives: -
1. Hear how a former NYU film professor developed campaign messaging, taking lessons from arts and entertainment to Presidential politics, the White House, and beyond.
2. Understand the twin importance of authenticity and authorship in messaging in the digital age.
3. Learn how to gain audience engagement and industry influence through creative strategy
In this presentation, Revolution Messaging’s Arun Chaudhary will share how he spearheaded digital creative strategy for President Obama and Senator Bernie Sanders, creating powerful messaging that mobilized voters and the financial support needed to compete in modern campaigns.
Chaudhary’s expertise is infusing causes and brands with narrative meaning making them endurable and memorable. The implementation of digital strategy has become key for companies and campaigns looking to engage the public in a post-broadcast age, where content has to be compelling.
As such it is vital for marketers to comprehend the social media landscape in order to develop effective storytelling. At the root of this is the need for authenticity and authorship as Chaudhary explains in his keynote address, using anecdotes from his professional experience on the campaign trail and from within the White House.

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Arun Chaudhary

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