by Four-time Olympian Ruben Gonzalez
Karoly Takacs. You’ve probably never heard of him. However, in Hungary, he’s a national hero - everybody there knows his name and his...
Article from MySanAntonio.comBy Pam Lutrell
At 72, Valerie Ramsey is not only a sought after fashion model, she is also a warrior. After raising six children, Ramsey was not...
Article from
by Chip Reid
Watch the Interview Here
(CBS News) CHANTILLY, Va. - There were cheers and some tears as the shuttle Discovery made its final flight on...
Taken from Article
Most of our high schools and colleges are not preparing students to become innovators. To succeed in the 21st-century economy, students must learn...
In this Skype interview with Ryan Giffen, Dr. Tony Wagner explains what changes should be made to educational practices in the 21st Century.
Dr. Wagner's...
In a Skype interview with Brian Lord, leadership and motivational expert, Chester Elton discusses his principles for building high performance teams.
Called the...
In a Skype interview with Shawn Hanks, author of The Pixar Way and The Disney Way: If Walt Ran Your Organization!, Bill Capodagli shares some of Walt Disney's most crucial...
President Obama wants his dear friend Vlad the Russian not to worry about the details of how the American missile defense system in Europe will be designed and...
In a Skype Interview with Brian Lord, 4-time Olympic Gold Medalist, Janet Evans shares with us how she finds the balance between having a family, and making an Olympic...
The Miss Universe Organization has partnered with Premiere Speakers Bureau - one of the world’s leading speakers bureaus - to create the Miss Universe Speakers Bureau. We are...