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March 06, 2015

The Most Underutilized Tool in Making People Happier at Work

Every language has a word for “thanks.” It’s one of the few concepts that works in a hut in Bali, a London skyscraper or a mini-mart in Peoria. In North America, we have an...
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March 04, 2015

An Open Letter to Boston Bombers

Dear Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, My name is Rebekah Gregory. We don't really know each other and never will. But over the last two years, I have seen your face not only in pictures, but...
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March 01, 2015

"If your dreams don t scare you, they aren t big enough"

Our dreams should challenge us and when we think about our dreams, we should feel enormous pride. John F. Kennedy, during his famous speech at the Rice University in Texas,...
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March 01, 2015

10 characteristics of people with Attitude - E

    An important part of my journey of discovering the art of entrepreneurship has been, without a doubt, reflecting on my own life and experiences. From that exercise,...
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February 26, 2015

Developing Your Vision to Succeed

All great leaders have two main qualities: guts and vision. Today we'll focus on vision. You become what you think about all the time. Leaders think about the future most of...
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February 23, 2015

Cheers: The Foundation for America

  John Ratzenberger has been the voice and soul of numerous beloved Pixar movie characters, creator of Cliff Clavin from Cheers, speaker, and producer of ‘Made in America.’ He...
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February 18, 2015

5 Ways Your Children Benefit from Your Passions

If your life is anything like mine, your day is likely jam-packed. School drop-off, work, errands, meal-making... and on and on the list of tasks goes. The one thing that...
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February 15, 2015

Facing The New Reality

Competitiveness demands commitment to truth and willingness to confront brutal facts. Unfortunately, most of us have biased perceptions of how the world works and how companies...
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February 15, 2015

Facing The New Reality

Competitiveness demands commitment to truth and willingness to confront brutal facts. Unfortunately, most of us have biased perceptions of how the world works and how companies...
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February 13, 2015

TEDx: Sharyl Attkisson on Astroturf and Manipulation of Media Messages

By Alex Kranzusch
Graphic Designer
  "Astroturf is a perversion of grass roots, as in fake grass roots...when political corporate or other special interests disguise themselves and publish blogs, start Facebook...
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February 12, 2015

It takes a special person to be a leader.

Leadership, whether in a family, in a little league team, or in an organization, requires the same factors. First of all, you have to have the mindset that you want to help...
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February 12, 2015

The U.S. Needs One Courageous Leader

  Former US Navy SEAL, author of Seal of God and Premiere exclusive speaker Chad Williams made another appearance on Fox News to offer insight into how one courageous soldier...
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Total Pages: 343