Remember the days we simply checked in and checked out of work? Me neither. With the average American working 47 hours a week, and many working over 50, work isn’t...
Chris Norton rejoins John O'Leary on the Live Inspired Podcast Monday Moments segment to share about his latest book The Seven Longest Yards.
Join me every Monday for a...
Break Down the Stigma Around Mental Health
"Life is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Cherish it always." – Kevin Hines [Tweet this] | [Share on...
I’ve heard it said once that, “There is very little difference between people, but that little difference makes a great deal of difference.” How true that is! We’re all humans,...
We’ve never lived in a time that has involved so much opportunity.
Consider what is happening as multiple trends appear, combine, and provide pathways for...
"Your imagination is your dream machine. Keep it well-tuned!" #FuturistJim Carroll
I'm down in Disney World today for a keynote, and so of course, imagination is a...
My one man comedy show "We Should Hang Out Sometime" made the cover of this local Santa Monica newspaper! (Read it)
The story published the same day as the one-year...
Last January, I went skiing with three friends to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It was an amazing trip and one of my favorite mountains I've ever visited.
It didn't hurt that...
Early education in high-risk urban areas is a complex and seemingly overwhelming challenge. Often dubbed the "school to prison pipeline," kids in troubled classrooms with...
I must admit it is with mixed emotions that I have been watching the FIFA Women’s World Cup. After getting knocked at the CONCACAF Qualifiers last June, it is hard not to be a...
Product lifecycles as a concept are dead. Nothing lasts forever. What you sell today will be obsolete tomorrow, if it isn’t already from the olden days today.
"Try as you might, you can't mask your mistakes and hide your failures forever!" – Futurist Jim Carroll
Transparency will always win in the long run, authenticity is the...