Don Peppers | Author of Revolutionary Customer Relationship Management Guidebook, "The One to One Future"

Don Peppers

Author of Revolutionary Customer Relationship Management Guidebook, "The One to One Future"

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Don Peppers

Recognized for 25 years as one of the world's leading authorities on customer-focused business strategies, Don Peppers is an acclaimed author and co-founder, along with Martha Rogers Ph.D., of Peppers & Rogers Group. His latest endeavor is the formation of CX Speakers, a new company delivering workshops, keynote presentations and thought leadership consulting that is focused on customer experience topics.

Peppers' work routinely examines the business issues that today's global enterprises are grappling with while trying to maintain a competitive edge in their marketplace. He recently released his 11th book, Customer Experience: What, How and Why Now, a collection of bite-sized essays offering insights and "how to" recommendations on building and maintaining a customer-centric business. It uses real world examples to cover not just the central issue of customer experience, but also corporate culture, strategy, technology, and data analytics.

With Martha Rogers, Peppers has produced a legacy of international best-sellers that collectively sold well over a million copies in 18 languages. Their first book, The One to One Future (Doubleday, 1993), was called by Inc. Magazine's editor-in-chief "one of the two or three most important business books ever written," while Business Week said it was the "bible of the new marketing." As a testament to this, Don Peppers and Martha Rogers were inducted into the Direct Marketing Association Hall of Fame in 2013.

Peppers' and Rogers' ninth book is Extreme Trust: Turning Proactive Honesty and Flawless Execution into Long-Term Profits (Penguin, 2016). And in 2017, Wiley Publishers will release the third edition of their graduate school textbook, Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Perspective, originally published in 2003.

With nearly 300,000 followers for his regular postings of original content on LinkedIn, Don has been listed numerous times on LinkedIn as one of the Top 10 Marketing Influencers. In 2015, Satmetrix listed Don Peppers and Martha Rogers #1 on their list of the Top 25 most influential customer experience leaders. The Times of London included Don on its list of the "Top 50 Business Brains," and Accenture's Institute for Strategic Change listed Don as one of the 50 "most important living business thinkers" in the world.

Prior to founding CX Speakers and Peppers & Rogers Group, Don served as the CEO of a top-20 direct marketing agency (Perkins/Butler Direct Marketing, a division of Chiat/Day), and his 1995 book, Life's a Pitch: Then You Buy (1995), chronicles his exploits as a celebrated business rainmaker in the advertising industry. Before his career on Madison Avenue he worked as an economist in the oil industry and as the director of accounting for a regional airline. He holds a B.S. in astronautical engineering from the U.S. Air Force Academy and a Master's in Public Affairs from Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School. He is a competitive runner and happily married father of five.

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Why You Must, How You Will, and Why Your CFO Will Love It

A Full-Day Workshop

A lot of traditional, widely accepted and perfectly legal business practices just can’t be trusted by customers and will soon become extinct, driven to dust by rising levels of transparency and increasing consumer demand for fair treatment, and competitive pressure. Any business that fails to prepare for this new reality will soon be competed out of business by rivals who figure out how to make a greater profit by doing a better job of earning the trust of their customers.

Ask yourself: If anyone measured the relative trustability of all the companies in your industry, how would you score? What do you need to do to get to the top and stay there?

Note: While this agenda is topically accurate, all sessions and exercises in this workshop will be tailored to the needs of the client company.

Session 1. What is Trustability, and Why Does It Matter?

Transparency is increasing because of inevitable technological pressure. It can’t be stopped, averted, or slowed down. Especially the technologies that heighten and magnify our connectedness as people. It requires “proactive trustworthiness,” or Trustability. Before any serious improvement effort for increased trustability can be successful, we need to know what success looks like. So in Session 1, we’ll first review the essential elements of trustability and how trustability differs from mere trustworthiness.

• Doing Things Right: Competence increases Trustability
• Doing the Right Thing: Align your interests with those of your customers financially and otherwise
• How to Behave Proactively
• How to Be More Transparent
• Table Exercise: How Trustable Is Your Company?

Session 2. Why Your CFO will Love Increased Trustability

Customers are willing to pay more to do business with companies they trust. How much more? It’s different in different industries and markets, but it’s universally true. Relationships are the link to long-term shareholder value and plain old profits, and that makes Trustability a capitalist tool.

• There’s No Such Thing as One-Way Reciprocity
• Individual Exercise: Determining the Importance of Trustability in Your Industry
• Two kinds of customer value – short-term and long-term
• Loyalty’s increasing rate of return
• What’s your Return on Customer?
• The economics of Trustability
• Group Exercise: Maximizing the value created by each customer

Session 3. Do Things Right and Do the Right Thing

Stephen M.R. Covey said that we measure ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior. So no matter how good our intentions are to do things right and do the right thing, all that matters is the customer’s experience with us. That’s the experience they will share with a gazillion of their closest friends online.

• Serving the Interests of Customers, Profitably
• How Trustable Companies Use Customer Insight to Improve Customer Experience
• The Power of An Apology
Individual Exercise: Optimal business modeling for trustability
• Competence and Good Intentions are Joined at the Hip
• Product Competence and Customer Competence
• Self-Organizing Employees and Trust Platforms
• Group Exercise: Removing friction from doing business with customers

Session 4. Proactivity and Measuring Trustability Success

How will businesses operate competently, fairly, and proactively in the near future? And how will they know it’s working? How do we build Trustability into our KPIs?

• The Rise of Proactivity
• What Would Proactivity Look Like In Your Business?
• Group Exercise: Thinking Proactively for Customers
• Measuring the Improvement and Economics of Trustability
• What you measure guarantees what you will get. Which of your KPIs encourage Trustability? And which diminish Trustability?
• How to survive disruptive technological or regulatory changes in your category
• Designing Trustability into a Business
• Group Exercise: Which Measures for Us? Which Measures Build Trustability?

All sessions are customizable. We work with clients to understand and address specific needs and objectives of the organization to insure goals are met.

How to Improve Consumer Loyalty

A Full-Day Workshop

Customer loyalty is a misunderstood and abused marketing idea that has by now lost nearly all connection to business reality. We all know that having loyal customers must be beneficial to a business. And as customers ourselves, we know what it means to be loyal to our favorite products, services, and brands. But few companies are genuinely good at maintaining and improving customer loyalty, tracking it, or measuring its actual benefits. This workshop is designed to help consumer-facing businesses improve the loyalty of the customers they sell to.

Note: While this agenda is topically accurate, all sessions and exercises in this workshop will be tailored to the needs of the client company.

Session 1. What is Customer Loyalty, and Why Does It Matter?

Before any serious customer loyalty improvement effort can be successful we need to know what success looks like. But this will depend on how we define the problem to begin with. So in Session 1, we’ll first review two conflicting definitions of customer loyalty and discuss how they’re related. Then we’ll learn how to track and evaluate each type.

• Attitudinal vs. Behavioral loyalty
- Making emotional connections with your customers (Jason Sadler story)
• The economics of behavioral loyalty
- Two kinds of customer value – short-term and long-term
- Loyalty’s increasing rate of return
- What’s your Return on Customer?
• The economics of attitudinal loyalty
- How to use (and not to use) NPS, CSAT, and other non-financial metrics
- The role of trustability in creating customer advocates
- How to survive disruptive technological or regulatory changes in your category
• Group Exercise: Maximizing the value created by each customer

Session 2. Getting the Most Out of Your Loyalty Program

In the United States, there are three and a half billion individual loyalty club memberships, which amounts to more than 30 for every American household. Not just airlines and hotel chains, but retail stores, credit cards, banks, and other consumer marketing companies in virtually every business category have loyalty programs. But fewer than half of these billions of memberships are active. So what makes for a good loyalty program – one that can actually help a company improve the loyalty of its customers? And is there any business, industry, or category in which having a loyalty program may not be the right idea?

• The I-D-I-C model
- When loyalty programs are indispensable
- Understanding “longitudinal customer behavior”
• Group Exercise: Creating a Customer Differentiation Matrix
• Best practices of loyalty programs
- Insight: Never waste an opportunity to gain insight about a customer
- Modularity: An effective program is modular, enabling participants to mix and match aspects to their own preferences
- Openness: Consumers value openness. They want a service or program that works with other programs
- Relationships: A loyalty program should be managed around customers, not products
- Simplicity: Your program can be as complex and intricate on the inside as you need, but keep things very simple for the consumer, to ensure a frictionless experience
- Group Exercise: Removing friction from a loyalty program

Session 3. Improving Loyalty by Creating “Learning Relationships” with Customers

Some companies try to buy their customers’ loyalty with points and awards. But if you can establish Learning Relationships with your individual customers – that is, relationships that are based on constantly improving the “context” of the relationship – then you won’t have to buy your customers’ loyalty at all. Instead, you can sell it to them.

• Needs-based differentiation of customers
• Customizing the customer experience
- “De-commoditizing” your product or service by expanding the need set
- Re-drawing the Customer Differentiation Matrix
• Group Exercise: Devising a platform for Learning Relationships with your customers

Session 4. There’s a Person in There Somewhere: Front Line Workers
You can’t write a line of code or a business process rule that will guarantee that an employee will delight the customer. The employee must want to delight the customer. In the final analysis, your customers’ loyalty to you will be in the hands of front line, customer-facing workers. Whether these are retail clerks, or service technicians, or contact-center associates, your employees level of engagement will have a direct effect on customer loyalty.

• First, are you loyal to your customers?
- Treating customers the way you’d like to be treated, if you were the customer
• Creating a self-organizing company
- Engaged employees
- Enabled employees
• Group Exercise: Empowering front-line worker

All sessions are customizable. We work with clients to understand and address specific needs and objectives of the organization to insure goals are met.

How to Create Customer Advocates (B2C)

A Half-Day Workshop

Consumers no longer rely principally on advertising to learn about products and services they might want. Instead, they seek out information online – not just from a brand itself, but from third-party review sites, subject matter experts they find online, and their own social media connections. Nearly 90% of Americans report they do online research before buying virtually anything new, while 75% check product reviews first, and 80% use a smartphone to help with shopping. If at least some of your current customers have a genuine emotional affection for your brand, and are willing to advocate on your behalf to other consumers, you will have a tremendous leg up in the new environment, an environment in which everyone is connected to everyone, 24/7. This workshop is designed to show you how to make it happen.

Note: While this agenda is topically accurate, all sessions and exercises in this workshop will be tailored to the needs of the client company.

Session 1. Making an Emotional Connection with your Customers

Genuine, enthusiastic customer advocacy is generated only when a customer has connected on an emotional level with a product, brand or service. And you can’t make an emotional connection with a customer unless you’ve first removed all the friction from the customer experience.

• Four elements of a truly frictionless customer experience
• The overwhelming importance of earning customer trust
• Using trust to make an emotional connection with the customer (Jason Sadler story)
• Understanding the economics of emotional customer loyalty
- How to use (and not to use) NPS, CSAT, and other non-financial metrics
- Surviving the next disruptive technological or regulatory change in your category
• Group Exercise: Maximizing the value created by each customer

Session 2. Priming the Organization and Scaling the Effort

Customer advocates are loyal not just to a brand, but to the people they see who represent the brand. So front-line employees – retail clerks, contact center associates, sales consultants, and even service technicians – are all critical to the success of any customer advocacy effort. Your employees’ level of engagement will have a direct effect on the success of your customer advocacy initiatives.

• “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”
• Creating a self-organizing company
- Engaged employees
- Enabled employees
• Scaling your customer advocacy initiative
• Group Exercise: Empowering the front-line worker

All sessions are customizable. We work with clients to understand and address specific needs and objectives of the organization to insure goals are met.


• Business Competition, Future Tense
Technology is raising customer expectations, and now you’re competing with Amazon, Apple, JetBlue, and Amex. Four strategies for succeeding in the transparent future.

• The Omnichannel Myth
99% of companies that say they’re “omnichannel” aren’t. Three obstacles to overcome before joining the 1% of companies that really are.

• After e-Commerce: Immersive Commerce
Today’s programmatic marketing tactic is tomorrow’s smartphone app, so get ready now for an online CX featuring “chatvertising” and bot-to-bot marketing.

Don Peppers
Featured Books

Rules to Break and Laws to Follow: How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termismby Don Peppers

Rules to Break and Laws to Follow: How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termism

by Don Peppers
Customer Experienceby Don Peppers

Customer Experience

by Don Peppers

Don Peppers
Featured Reviews

Don Peppers
Featured Articles & Resources

Trust Pays Off

USAA, The direct-writing insurance company that specializes in handling the auto and property-casualty insurance needs of military families, has built a reputation over the...
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