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October 20, 2009

PSB Launches New Video: 'Spencer's Premiere'

By Tyler Clark
Director of Marketing
Premiere Speakers presents "Spencer's Premiere," the sequel to the "Four-Minute Booking" video. A lot has happened since moronic Spencer got nailed for passing the buck to his...
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October 16, 2009

Michael Reagan Carries His Father's Legacy

Michael Reagan has a message for the Republican Party: Stay on message. "When you make it personal, nothing ever will be accomplished," Reagan said. "We need to have a message...
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October 14, 2009

Harvard Study: Face-to-Face Meetings Remain Essential

By Tyler Clark
Director of Marketing
A recent study published in the Harvard Business Review confirms that face-to-face interaction continues to be a vital part of successful businesses. The survey of 2,300...
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October 14, 2009

Huckabee on Obama's Nobel Peace Prize

What does Gov. Mike Huckabee think of President Obama's recent Nobel Peace Prize? On the latest edition of his Fox News show Huckabee, he gave his take, and his opinion might...
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September 28, 2009

Fmr Miss America Competes on 'The Amazing Race'

Ericka Dunlap, who was 2004's Miss America, is a contestant on the new season of CBS's The Amazing Race. She and her husband, Brian Kleinschmidt, will compete against 11 other...
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September 21, 2009

Huckabee Wins Value Voters 2010 Straw Poll

According to a straw poll conducted at last week's Value Voters Summit, Mike Huckabee is the top choice among Christian conservatives for the 2010 GOP presidential nomination....
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September 17, 2009

The Death of Journalism

The following was written by Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor and 2008 Republican presidential candidate. Gov. Huckabee also recited this on his weekly Fox News Channel...
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September 03, 2009

Andy Andrews Visits Premiere Office

By Tyler Clark
Director of Marketing
Best-selling author and communicator Andy Andrews recently spent the day at the Premiere Speakers office in Franklin, Tenn. He spoke for an hour with the Premiere staff and...
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August 17, 2009

Huckabee on CNN: Who Is Afraid of Dissent? recently ran the following article about Gov. Mike Huckabee's claim the Democratic leaders are trying to squash free speech at town hall meetings: Former Arkansas Gov....
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August 10, 2009

VIDEO: How Can We Win the War in Afghanistan?

Col. Oliver North recently spoke Fox News about what needs to be done to combat increased casualties in Afghanistan. Watch the video below to find how what he believes needs to...
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August 01, 2009

I Want My Doctor to Make Money

The following was Mike Huckabee's opening monologue on a recent episode of his Fox News show Huckabee: I want doctors to make money. Frankly, I want them to make a lot of...
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Total Pages: 29