Sylvie di Giusto | Expert on Modern Emotional Intelligence Helping Professionals Make the Right Choices That Grow Their Brands and Bottom Lines

Sylvie di Giusto

Expert on Modern Emotional Intelligence Helping Professionals Make the Right Choices That Grow Their Brands and Bottom Lines

Sylvie di Giusto
Featured Books

Discover Your Fair Advantage: Leverage Your Unique Selling Points and Human Potential for Work, Business and Lifeby Sylvie di Giusto

Discover Your Fair Advantage: Leverage Your Unique Selling Points and Human Potential for Work, Business and Life

by Sylvie di Giusto
The Image of Leadership: How leaders package themselves to stand out for the right reasonsby Sylvie di Giusto

The Image of Leadership: How leaders package themselves to stand out for the right reasons

by Sylvie di Giusto

The Power of Choice

This immersive keynote harnesses your competitive advantage, catapults your sales revenue, and accelerats connections. In today's fast-paced world, professionals frequently find themselves operating on autopilot, particularly when it comes to choices that can have a profound impact on relationships with customers and peers. Truly successful organizations are those that empower their employees to make deliberate and considerate choices in all aspects of their daily operations. With hundreds of decisions needing to be made every day, how do companies help their employees make the right decisions?
In her flagship keynote, Sylvie introduces the concept of "The POWER OF CHOICE"— an immersive learning and engaging experience, enhanced by cutting-edge 3D technology. Your attendees will go on a mind-bending journey, helping them to understand how the power of choice can be harnessed to create truly transformative experiences for your clients and employees.

Sylvie's keynote is based on her five cornerstones of intelligence: 

Appearance - Visual 
Communication - Non-Verbal and Verbal
Digital Footprint - Intentional and Unintentional
Social Environment

ROI & Key Outcomes:

Intentionality: the power of intentional choices in shaping personal and organizational growth.
Self Awareness: how your choices in the five cornerstones enhances your success.
Emotional Intelligence: how to harness the five cornerstones of intelligence.
Impact: how making intentional choices benefits you as a professional and contributes to organizational excellence.
Empowerment: how to make intentional choices, overcome self-doubt, and take control of your professional journey.

“You have 7 seconds. Make them count!

Help your audience take control of their narrative by using their emotional intelligence to build lasting connections and drive results. 

People we meet make quick decisions about us. In business, first impressions are essential to building relationships with others. They’ll set the tone for the entire experience, and the relationship with the brand will depend on them. The good thing is that this impression is something people can control. By leveraging the power of emotional intelligence, we can make intentional choices about how we present ourselves in these crucial moments.

Interactive, fun, and thought-provoking – Sylvie shows participants a deeper understanding of how others perceive them and the way their organization is perceived in the marketplace. They will learn how to proactively leverage their visual, behavioral, non-verbal, verbal, digital, and social intelligence to authentically convince others, build stronger relationships, and achieve tremendous success in their professional lives.

ROI & Key Outcomes:

  • Insight into what your first impression communicates about your personality, values, and beliefs - how to align your personal brand with your professional goals and corporate brand.
  • How first impressions can shape customers’ perceptions of your organization - how to create a consistent and positive image in all customer-facing interactions.
  • Identify and overcome unconscious biases in your personal and professional relationships - how to build stronger connections with customers, vendors, managers, or colleagues.
  • A deep understanding of the psychology of first impressions and their impact on personal and professional relationships, including how to leverage emotional intelligence to make positive and lasting impressions. 

The Image of Leadership

Help your leaders develop a stronger presence that positively shapes your organization's leadership culture by leveraging emotional intelligence. 

Effective leadership in today’s dynamic and complex world requires intentional choices made by mindful leaders who understand that their personal reputation is critical to gaining and maintaining trust, building impactful relationships, and achieving sustainable long-term organizational success.

Your leaders will gain a deeper understanding of how their leadership presence shapes the culture and reputation of their organization, how it affects their personal and professional brand, and how it is perceived by stakeholders. They’ll experience up close and personal how others’ unconscious biases affect their judgments of their leadership and the organization, and how these biases can either lead to great opportunities or wrong assumptions. They’ll actively engage in a journey of self-discovery, identifying areas for improvement and learning how to proactively leverage their visual, behavioral, non-verbal, verbal, digital, and social intelligence to authentically represent themselves and their organization, build stronger relationships, and achieve tremendous success in their leadership roles.

ROI & Key Outcomes:

  • The psychology behind perceptions - how a professional imprint can create an aura of executive presence and build a positive reputation for both participants and their organization.
  • Develop a strategic plan to align their leadership style with their professional goals and organizational objectives to build a strong professional and organizational brand.
  • How to make purposeful choices that positively affect their personal and organizational brands to create a culture of trust, credibility, and collaboration.
  • The importance of leading with integrity and by example to establish trust and respect among stakeholders.
  • Concrete ways to improve their visual, behavioral, non-verbal, verbal, digital, and social intelligence.

Discover Your Fair Advantage

How do you set yourself apart from your peers and competitors? How do you distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack? What exactly makes you stand out? Why should people trust, follow, buy from, or buy into you?

These are profound questions that professionals in the workplace should be able to answer instantly. However, they rarely take the time to identify what makes them one of a kind. The answer lies in their fair advantage— the combination of fifteen unique selling points that help them position themselves as valued professionals to decision-makers within or beyond their organization.

Discovering and leveraging their fair advantage provides professionals with a greater sense of self-awareness and self-confidence that allows them to present, act, and communicate authentically and confidently in DEMO any situation.

ROI & Key Outcomes:

Authenticity: Develop a personal brand voice and learn how to use it within a professional environment.
Perspective: Gain a greater sense of self-awareness and understanding of what makes you unique and how you can use it at work.
Credibility: Discover the value you bring to the table and why people should trust, follow, or buy from you.
Differentiation: Uncover your unique selling points and learn how best to communicate them in a concise and compelling manner.
Self-belief: Learn techniques to overcome self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and other limiting beliefs that hinder professional growth.
Accountability: Learn how to take ownership of your professional development and growth by creating a personalized brand strategy that aligns with your fair advantage.

Sylvie di Giusto
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