Nancy Giordano | Exponential Strategist, Business Futurist and Global Keynote Speaker

Nancy Giordano

Exponential Strategist, Business Futurist and Global Keynote Speaker

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Austin, TX

Nancy Giordano

Described as endlessly optimistic, Nancy is an exponential strategic corporate futurist and bestselling author who has consulted on a portfolio of $60+ billion well-known brands and given more than 200+ global keynotes. With a drive to help enterprise organizations and visionary leaders transform to meet the escalating expectations ahead, she is recognized as one of the world’s top female futurists, and co-Founder of the Femme Futurists Society. 

Her expertise and experiences range from A.I., to frozen foods, to reinventing the internet, and all of her projects have a key common denominator: transitioning away from the extractive operating systems and outdated business thinking that no longer holds up... to create the more sustainable, inclusive and dynamic solutions the future demands.

Author of the Amazon bestselling book Leadering: The Ways Visionary Leaders Play Bigger, Nancy is a frequent panelist at South by Southwest, global keynote speaker, Singularity University guest lecture, and world’s first TEDx licensee. She advises leaders on the organizational structures and new mindsets necessary to effectively harness the significant technology innovations heading our way and ensure a safe and thriving future for us all.

Nancy Giordano
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Current: Speaking Reel

Time 03:43

More Videos From Nancy Giordano

Speaking Reel
Time 03:43
TEDx: Creating a Future to Be Excited About
Time 17:44
Technology As A Force For Good
Time 07:04
How Visionary Leaders Play Bigger
Time 02:19

Nancy Giordano
Featured Keynote Programs

The Playbook is Dead
How Visionary Leaders Play Bigger.

How can I better lead and prepare myself and my teams for success? What opportunities will this create? How will this be measured?

It has been forecast that we are sitting on the brink of as many as fourteen internet-sized revolutions, enabling an unprecedented ability to solve complex problems and build more relevant structures, but these advances can sound overwhelming when our thinking and incentive structures haven’t kept up with the exponential pace of change.

Everyday it’s becoming clear that we need to quickly ditch outdated industrial-era processes, metrics and beliefs focused on efficiency, growth and scale and instead cultivate a set of dynamic practices, systemic yardsticks and deep alignment in order to empower much faster and more humane decision-making. What is the mindset we need to create the future we want?

  • How transitioning from 20th Century LeaderSHIP to 21st Century LeaderING generates more sustainable, continuous value.

  • From IQ to EQ to AQ... the importance of developing your adaptability quotient.

  • The enterprise and societal scaffolding needed to make the most of the huge productivity leap ahead.

  • The shifting metrics of success.

On Becoming AI Led.

What does it take to build an AI-led organization, career or outlook? How radically will things really change? How do you jump in?

We can now see how advancing AI-enabled tools and applications will help us drive huge gains and restructure everything from medicine to education, from food to finance, and to a deeper understanding of ourselves. Those led by curiosity and a deep sense of caring will increasingly see that as technology advances, we can actually become more human. More whole. More impactful than ever.

So how do you jump in? How do you build AI-first strategies and determine which applications drive productivity for you? What are the new business models and societal structures needed to support this exponential expansion of potential? And how can you personally level up?

  • The stages of AI-readiness.

  • What it means to be AI-led as an enterprise and as a human.

  • How to build and scale these innovations safely and ethically.

  • What it takes to support organization adoption.

  • What this means for the future of work and reskilling-inside and out of your organization.

Beyond The Industrial Era
Shaping a Regenerative Future.

We are moving out of the Industrial Revolution and entering an entirely new “Exponential Productivity Transformation” (XPT). In this moment of technological transformation, we are simultaneously being granted a massive opportunity to redesign and rebuild structures that empower much faster and more humane decision-making. For that to be possible we must cultivate networked intelligence focused on economical, ecological and sociological systems that generate sustainable, regenerative value for mutual benefit. 

As the world becomes more technologically advanced and enhanced, are we open to the emerging socio-economic frameworks that offer more than they extract to provide a safe, just and thriving future for us all? 

• How Web3 and other distributed systems are reshaping models of productivity and economic structures.

• How living systems and biological intelligence will reshape our organizations.

• The new yardsticks and measurements needed to track and incentivize societal well-being and true wealth. 

• What this all means for the future of Work and Working.

• The economic benefits of caring vs winning at all costs. 


Combining the power of a keynote message with the interactivity of a workshop. We are now moving way beyond the Industrial Age to an era of exponential technological expansion and societal change that is supercharging productivity and allowing us to evolve, navigate and deliver value creation at blindingly fast speed. Our Workshops are designed specifically for forward-thinking companies that recognize the need to equip leaders with the skills and mindset to not just survive, but thrive in this rapidly evolving landscape.

Interactive Learning: Engage in dynamic activities and discussions that translate theory into tangible strategies.
Real-World Applications: Analyze case studies and scenarios that demonstrate how Leadering changes the game.
Actionable Outcomes: Leave with a personalized Leadering plan that you can put into practice immediately to cultivate meaningful change in your organization.

This workshop is ideal for senior leaders, managers, and decision-makers who are invested in the evolving practices and mindsets needed to shift from replicating the past to confidently navigating an emergent tomorrow.

Nancy Giordano
Featured Book

Leadering: The Ways Visionary Leaders Play Bigger by Nancy Giordano

Leadering: The Ways Visionary Leaders Play Bigger

by Nancy Giordano

This transformative new era requires a radically different approach to leadership. The tactics put in place to reduce risk, drive success, and make us feel safe in the past are now the very things creating vulnerability today. In Leadering, Nancy Giordano provides clarity and urgency around what twenty-first century stewardship demands as exponential technologies and changing societal expectations converge to shape a better next. Ditching last century’s industrial playbook—driven relentlessly, and almost exclusively, on growth—allows us to instead focus on building new, more expansive practices committed to human-centric innovation, regenerative solutions, and the creation of long-term value. With many years advising world-class enterprise leaders on ways to thrive in ambiguity, Nancy is convinced we don’t need to change what we think as much as how we think to be successful. This book challenges us to shift our outdated thinking and adopt the mindset we need to build the future we all want.

Nancy Giordano
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