Shawna Suckow | Consumer Behavior, Sales, and Marketing

Shawna Suckow

Consumer Behavior, Sales, and Marketing

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Shawna Suckow

Here’s some inside info on me. I’m a multi-faceted speaker: I have a seriously wonderful motivational side to me, but I also have 20 years of specialized knowledge in consumer behavior, sales, and marketing. 

My style has been described as a gentle nudge from a friend, just when you’re about to go to Prom with that loser. I tell it like it is, but in a helpful when you have a piece of tomato in your teeth. I talk like a real person on stage – not an old-timey, overly-rehearsed robot who delivers the same content in Poughkeepsie and Peru (egads!).

I speak to salespeople, marketers, C-Suite, and business owners across all industries who are seeking insight into the shifting marketplace. I also speak to audiences of all types to share my journey on how I make every day the best it can possibly be, under the circumstances facing me (good, bad, or dumpster-fire circumstances) – it’s about resilience and refocusing priorities on what really matters.

What I’m proud of: I’ve now spoken in 17 countries on 5 continents (c’mon Australia and Antarctica!). I’ve won some awards and stuff (aw, shucks). I am a CSP (like a Masters in professional speaking). I was named a Woman of Influence in 2020 by the global Women’s Economic Foundation. I also got to speak on the same stage as President Obama in 2019 (not at the same time, mind you).

Shawna Suckow
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Time 02:58

Shawna Suckow
Featured Keynote Programs

The New Marketing Mosaic
How to Stand Out, Build Trust, and be Unforgettable

The world's most well-known brands have spent decades and millions of dollars to create a consistent brand in the marketplace. The post-pandemic truth, however, is that customers and prospects no longer want to see brands that way. Distrust of organizations is at an all-time high, so to appeal to today’s evolving B2B and B2C customers, successful brands of all sizes understand a new truth: your image in the marketplace is now a composite of all the stories you tell about your employees, customers, and vendors. This is your new Brand Mosaic©. 

Every employee, from the stockroom to the CEO, is now is part of the Brand Mosaic©: the humanized brand your prospects are seeking. Telling their stories, along with the stories of your vendors and customers, adds to the richness of your Brand Mosaic©, and creates an emotionally memorable brand story that builds a loyal following and helps you stand out amongst all the noise - most notably, the faceless noise of the biggest brands. Furthermore, embracing every individual’s personal story makes them feel part of a collective mission—something especially important to younger generations for job satisfaction. You’ll no longer be seen as an impersonal corporate brand screaming “BUY OUR STUFF;” rather, you’ll be a more memorable, likeable, trustworthy group of individuals on a collective mission to help your customers succeed. As your marketing keynote speaker, Shawna will share the blueprint to get you there.

* Learn how to create an impactful and memorable Brand Mosaic© on all types of budgets. One that truly stands out to help you win. 
* Discover easy ways to capture and share your employees’ and customers’ stories about your company, to help your brand build immediate trust better than your biggest competitors. 
* Learn what’s NOT working, so you can repurpose valuable time and resources toward this critically important initiative. 
* Post-pandemic customers are skeptical, hesitant, and craving trustworthy brands. Learn how to become what they want most. You won’t just compete on price anymore.

The New Personal Brand Mosaic for Successful Sales Professionals

We have a crisis of trust like never before in North America. This presents a dual challenge in sales: distrust of organizations is at an all-time high, and as a result, traditional sales tactics no longer works the way they used to. To appeal to today’s evolving B2B and B2C prospects, successful sales professionals must understand a new truth: features and benefits don’t open doors for you like they used to.

Evoking an emotional connection with your prospects is what gets their attention today, while other methods simply get you ignored. Once you get their attention, you have a (smaller than ever) window of opportunity to build trust. Your challenge is to humanize yourself and your company immediately, and that’s not easy to do when your target audience is more skeptical than ever.

This is where your unique Story Mosaic© can help you succeed. Leveraging it is the strategy to easier customer acquisition and fierce loyalty. You’ll no longer have to fight an uphill battle to break through all the noise in your prospect’s world.

* Learn how to create an impactful and memorable Story Mosaic©.
* Discover easy ways to get the attention of your prospects in an age when they ignore most sales outreach methods.
* Learn what’s NOT working, so you can repurpose valuable time and resources toward this critically important strategy.

The Most Unique Closing Keynote EVER

This is the most unique closing keynote you’ve ever seen. Really! Instead of your attendees sitting passively listening, and then packing up to go home, let’s turn them into participants in the final session. It’s the antidote to business (and conferences) as usual.

The purpose of your conference is to facilitate networking, drive home a message, and inspire your audience to take action when they return home, yes? What better way to do that than through a highly engaging final session that has them meeting new people, sharing their best conference takeaways, and committing to take specific actions when they get home?

Let’s close this conference with some good news, some great conversations, and some commitments to everyone’s future success both at work and at home. Sound good?

Hire Shawna Suckow as your closing keynote speaker (can be adapted to be an opening session as well!), and she will reinforce your conference theme and discuss the highlights everyone has experienced throughout their time there. She’ll then lead the audience in small-group discussions where they’re guaranteed to get new inspiration, share some of their own brilliance, brainstorm current challenges, have a few laughs, and walk away with new connections. They’ll also create action steps and accountability to put their best conference takeaways to work in the upcoming year.

She’ll then close the session with a self-assessment to ensure that not only their work--but also their life priorities--get the attention they deserve, too. It's about ensuring that every day throughout the next year is the best it can be under each person’s unique own circumstances – whatever they may be. Put your conference investment to work for a measurable, lasting impact – book Shawna for this powerful closing session like no other. Your attendees will leave energized and telling everyone about the amazing conference experience you created.

* Get clarity on your own takeaways from the conference, and what you want to implement. Make sure your time & investment in the conference is purposeful!
* Meet an accountability group that will stay connected after the conference to help one another achieve their action items.
* Assess your true priorities to set personal & professional goals for the next 12 months.
* Get tips to approach each day with the best possible mindset, regardless of what’s coming next.
* Leave the conference invigorated and re-energized about your work and your life.

How Anyone Can Use AI for Better Marketing

Artificial Intelligence certainly has taken the world by storm ever since it hit the mainstream in 2023. There’s a lot of uncertainty and confusion around it, to be sure. Whether you’ve never used it before, or you’ve dabbled in it but still aren’t sure how to leverage it, or you want to know what new tools are out there, this session is for you.

In this session, we’ll explore all the practical ways that you can use the most popular tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and Canva, plus you’ll discover some of the newest tools that are sure to make your job easier (some of which are being launched as we speak!). You’ll get a hands-on look at how you can immediately amp up your marketing efforts and put your productivity on hyperdrive. You’ll learn how to easily create a social media content strategy, and how to use AI to craft better sales and marketing communications like ad copy, email campaigns, and web site verbiage.

When leveraged correctly, AI is all about making you more productive so you can focus on what’s most impactful.

* Learn how to create an impactful social media campaign with very little effort.
* Discover easy ways to generate compelling marketing communications and sales copy.
* Learn about the best new tools to help you free up valuable time and resources so you and your team can be more effective overall.
* Leave with immediately actionable takeaways and templates to boost your productivity.

Shawna Suckow
Featured Book

The Roaring Twenties: Marketing & Selling Better in the Post-Pandemic Decade: Creating Strategies for Shifting B2B and B2C Consumer Behaviorby Shawna Suckow

The Roaring Twenties: Marketing & Selling Better in the Post-Pandemic Decade: Creating Strategies for Shifting B2B and B2C Consumer Behavior

by Shawna Suckow

Think about your journey from March 2020 until now. How many times have your priorities and your focus shifted? How are you a different person today? You’re not alone. The entire world has, shifted, and in this book, the author does a deep dive into one particularly major shift: consumer behavior. Two good things about the pandemic: 1)It’s mostly behind us, and 2) It’s set us up for a decade that’s going to be as wild as the 1920s a hundred years ago.

Suckow, a consumer behavior expert and prominent thought leader in sales & marketing differentiation, discusses how to dust off those old sales and marketing strategies and revive them for the new marketplace of the Roaring Twenties. Your customers have changed quickly and dramatically thanks to the pandemic. It's no time to keep doing the same-old-same-old.

You'll learn what's working right now in our Roaring 20s to rise above the marketing noise and get noticed by your prospects. You'll discover seven easy communication topics to connect better with any audience, and eight strategies to be more memorable. Throughout the book, she weaves in actual case studies with multi-media links to keep you engaged. She gives practical examples from multiple industries, and weaves it all into an enjoyable read filled with her down-to-earth style and humor (at least she thinks she's funny).

At the end, you'll get a nice bonus gift of predictions for the future to impress your boss and your friends at parties. And in between, she’ll even teach you a few handy phrases from the first Roaring 20’s. It'll be 'the bee's knees.'

Shawna Suckow
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