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July 11, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "Right now? It's Time to Grow ."

"Right now? It's time to grow! Focus on your future! Need a path forward? Destroy your negativity. Single out your inaction. Analyze your indecision. Look for your blind...
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July 10, 2019

Redefine and Reinvent Your Career Before It Leaves You Behind

We are no longer in a period of rapid change. We have now entered an amazing inflection point where true transformation happens. For example, we changed how we listened to music...
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Topics:   Futurists
July 09, 2019

Neen James- The Attention Deficit Workplace - The Answer Starts with YOU!

You are a role model to someone. The expression "tone at the top" is true. The example leaders demonstrate is often believed to be a requirement employees must follow. No...
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July 09, 2019

Uncommon Denominator

How can you stand out from the noise to make a great connection quickly? This video will provide an important key to make a better first impression, or even turn around your...
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July 09, 2019

Seriously, You're Doomed! You're About to Have an Organizational Coronary!

Why are you doomed? Because you are dysfunctional. How do you know? Read my list: Want to debate it? Ok, take the test: ‘ Need to fix it? Read the full...
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July 09, 2019

One More Round With Hamish Brewer

Hamish Brewer: The Relentless Principal - Disrupting the World of Education - TEDx Speaker
By Hamish Brewer
The Relentless Principal - Disrupting the World of Education - TEDx Speaker
The ILA General Session speaker on how a relentless attitude can change anything - By Colleen Patrice Clark Hamish Brewer just doesn’t know when to quit. When it seemed like...
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Topics:   Education
July 09, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "The era of 24-hour, continuous, non-stop farming is soon upon us!

"The era of 24-hour, continuous, non-stop farming is soon upon us!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll I was in Orlando yesterday for a talk for AgFirst – a group in the Eastern US...
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July 09, 2019

13 Guidelines for Navigating the New Decade Ahead

In 2009, after a speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Summit (Russia’s Davos), I wandered into a  panel discussion on the topic of trade wars, led by New York...
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July 08, 2019

Want to Attract Top Talent? Here Are Three Things You Aren’t Doing That You Should Be

  Remember the days we simply checked in and checked out of work? Me neither. With the average American working 47 hours a week, and many working over 50, work isn’t...
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July 08, 2019

Live Inspired Podcast: Seven Longest Yards: Chris Norton on Monday Moments (ep. 165)

Chris Norton rejoins John O'Leary on the Live Inspired Podcast Monday Moments segment to share about his latest book The Seven Longest Yards. Join me every Monday for a...
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July 08, 2019

Life is a Gift

Break Down the Stigma Around Mental Health "Life is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Cherish it always." – Kevin Hines [Tweet this] | [Share on...
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Topics:   Motivation ,   Inspiration ,   Health
July 08, 2019

How to Give and Receive Criticism

I’ve heard it said once that, “There is very little difference between people, but that little difference makes a great deal of difference.” How true that is! We’re all humans,...
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Total Pages: 343