IN STUDIO – Webcast #16: Bring Your Glove: Catch the life-altering power of expectancy Live Inspired IN STUDIO Webcasts are LIVE every third Monday of the month at 10:30 AM CST....
I came across this poster by Toby Mac the other day and couldn't help but find it incredibly fitting for my current thoughts.
REAL Students
For some students, the...
How Andre Norman Transitioned a Life of Crime into a Life of Love
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." – Gautama Buddha [Tweet this.] | [Share...
My wife Ashley and I are producing a show in Los Angeles right now. It's based on my book WE SHOULD HANG OUT SOMETIME.Here's a behind-the-scenes look at the emotional roller...
"And the award goes to the most well-rounded person!" Said no one, ever.
Achieving modestly in many areas may be what our middle school principal suggested, but it's no way to...
My wife Ashley and I are producing a show in Los Angeles right now. It's based on my book WE SHOULD HANG OUT SOMETIME.Here's a behind-the-scenes at us attempting to fill seats...
If you want to be successful in sales, you have to view yourself as a professional. And as a professional, it is your responsibility to diagnose problems and recommend...
A speaking client generously chartered this private plane so I could be home in time to perform my show in Santa Monica.By the way, tonight of our (initial!) 8-week run. Thanks...