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February 11, 2020

Quick Change Artistry

Can you change quickly, or does it take awhile? The answer isn’t simple, but understanding the process can enable quicker and more lasting transformation. WATCH THE VIDEO. ...
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February 10, 2020

Do You Have Enough Stuff Yet?

He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.– Socrates "I wonder if they're happier than I was?"This question was asked by...
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February 09, 2020

Is it Necessary to Forgive Yourself

Have you ever heard the verse, “Love your neighbor as yourself?” It’s not an easy challenge. What if I told you to “Forgive yourself as you forgive your neighbor.” Would you be...
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February 09, 2020

Why learning how to handle failure is the key to career success

What does the future of work look like for businesses in a world where machine learning and artificial intelligence are replacing people with routine and repetitive tasks? The...
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February 09, 2020

How To Master Any Skill

No one represents mastery more than Pablo Picasso. His masterpiece Women of Algiers sold at auction in New York for over $179 million in 2015, shattering all previous records....
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February 06, 2020

There Are Seven Myths Holding Managers Back

Managers today are under more pressure than ever. It keeps getting harder to manage people, retain the best talent, and develop new leaders. There are key areas of leadership...
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February 06, 2020

1 way to beat 3 voices of doubt.

My doubts get loud whenever I think about time. At the start of the week, as I look ahead at what I would like to get done, I hear three different voices: You don't have...
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February 05, 2020

Building Customer Loyalty Through Humanizing the Experience

There are things we can do to humanize business which can cost little to nothing and have an everlasting impression on others.  If done correctly, this could inherently lead to...
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February 05, 2020

Why Agility Cannot Stand Alone

When the competition launches a new product, how you react says a lot about you as a professional and your company as an organization. But it is likely that you act quickly and...
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February 05, 2020

5-Star Hospitality Secrets from the Best in the Business

As an inspirational speaker, I spend a lot of time on the road and in hotels. I've stayed in the Ritz Carlton, and I've stayed in a Motel 6. I've had room service brought to me...
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February 05, 2020

The simple trick I use to finish first drafts.

My first drafts aren't funny. My first drafts aren't particularly positive. My first drafts don't have the right words. My first drafts are written in passive voice, since I...
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February 04, 2020

My Letter To Every Girl Who Plays Sports—and her Parents

I see you running your heart out on the field and court, your braids bobbing, your face all kinds of determined to win. You love to play and win, and each time gives you a...
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Total Pages: 343