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January 17, 2022

The 5-minute tool that will help you make 30 days of progress.

Big goals are accomplished through small actions. That's why a crucial part of successfully finishing a goal is tracking the little things that keep you moving...
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January 10, 2022

Does your New Year's Resolution have these 3 words yet? It better!

Every successful goal has 4 things in common: results, action, time, and motivation. Results are first on the list for a reason. If you don't determine where you...
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January 03, 2022

10 micro goals for massive results

Are you working on a goal that has you feeling stuck? Or maybe it feels really overwhelming or like you're just not making any progress? If you can relate, chances...
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December 27, 2021

How to create fail-proof New Year's Resolutions

92% of New Years Resolutions fail according to an University of Scranton study. (Did you just think of The Office?) Those are pretty grim odds, but there’s a secret...
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December 13, 2021

Don't be a jerk to the person you spend the most time with - how to be kind to Future You.

Have you ever stayed up late scrolling Instagram or YouTube and woken up exhausted? When that happens to me, I always think, “Night Jon screwed Morning Jon.” Have...
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December 06, 2021

Postponing joy, losing your edge and why it's easy to repeat negative thoughts

I told my counselor a few weeks ago that I was afraid of “Losing my edge.” His answer surprised me and I bet it will surprise you too. In Part 2 of this special...
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November 29, 2021

The gift you need to give YOURSELF this holiday season. (Part 1)

In this episode, I'm kicking off a special three-part series with three very specific gifts you need to give yourself at the end of the year. All three gifts are...
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November 22, 2021

Finish more goals by asking 1 surprising question!

Want to have a big year? Ask big questions. In this episode, I'll teach you one of the most powerful questions you can ask when it comes to finishing goals. Heads...
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November 15, 2021

4 Soundtracks to Survive the Holidays.

Do you love the holidays? I know that can be a loaded question, that's why I've got a special holiday episode of All it Takes is a Goal for you. We're on the edge...
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November 08, 2021

5 reasons you should ignore the sleep mafia

Have you ever felt guilty for not waking up hours before the sun comes up? Have you ever felt like you shouldn’t take a nap or should get up at 3AM to do burpees?...
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November 01, 2021

When is the last time you felt 13?

“Well that was…awkward.” I don't care if you’re 25, 35, 45, 55, or 85, at some point, something is going to happen that makes you feel like a 13-year-old all over...
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October 25, 2021

It's YOUR life, so live it on purpose. My inspiring conversation with Tanya Dalton.

Tanya Dalton is a best-selling author, speaker, and nationally recognized productivity expert. Her first book, The Joy of Missing Out, was named one of the Top 10...
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Total Pages: 10