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June 06, 2022

How to improve the 35,000 choices you make every day - my conversation with Mark Miller.

According to psychologists, we make nearly 35,000 decisions in a day. Some are nearly unconscious and automatic, but others have the power to shape our lives....
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May 31, 2022

Go All In: How to quit your job to follow your dreams - my conversation with Tim Schurrer

We've all daydreamed about quitting our 9-5 to pursue our dream job – opening a beachside bookstore, launching a clothing line, buying a bed and breakfast in...
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May 23, 2022

Navigate the Wild Wild West of side hustles like a pro with Joshua Becker

How do you transition from hobby to full-time side hustle? Nobody knows that better than my guest Joshua Becker. Joshua is the author of “Things That Matter:...
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May 16, 2022

Stop trying to be Ideal You and grow Actual You. My conversation with Marshall Goldsmith.

We all have a version of ourselves we want to be, but can we actually become the ideal version of ourselves? And is that really necessary? Over the course of...
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May 09, 2022

From College Dropout to CEO: My conversation with Adam Contos.

The only thing that never changes is how much things are always changing. So how do you navigate constant transitions and still reach your goals? Adam Contos...
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May 02, 2022

Reinvent your life, raise millions of dollars, do work that matters - The Scott Harrison Story

How do you tackle the goals that feel totally insurmountable? Things like ending world hunger, putting a stop to trafficking, or saving an endangered species?...
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April 18, 2022

The messy art of raising modern teenagers - My interview with my 18yo L.E. Acuff

What's it like being a teenager today? What's up with Gen Z's meme obsession? How do you motivate a teenager to have goals? As a parent, I've asked myself all...
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April 11, 2022

How to make 200 million cookies from a college dorm room - My conversation with Tiffany Chen.

In 1999, Tiffany Taylor accidentally stood up Leon Chen for a date (she was ice skating at the mall with a friend). As an apology, she baked and delivered a...
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April 04, 2022

How to read 100 books in a year.

Why is it hard to think of the right thing to say in a meeting? Or to be interesting on a date? Why are you intimated by the blank page as a writer? Because...
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February 21, 2022

Why the World Needs You to Make a Lot More Money: My conversation with Derrick Kinney.

Money isn't bad right? Derrick Kinney knows money has the power to create amazing opportunities and experiences for you and the people you care about. So why do so...
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February 14, 2022

How to be married to a dreamer with Jenny Acuff.

"How do I get my spouse/significant other to understand and support the big dream I'm chasing?" This is the most asked question my wife Jenny and I get, so after a...
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January 24, 2022

Get a grip on your calendar: The last time management tool you'll ever need

When I ask people what the hardest part of finishing their goals is, the #1 answer is always time management. We're all too busy, and we all have a finite amount of...
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Total Pages: 10