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October 18, 2021

It's great to be average: Accomplishing goals just because you love them with Brendan Leonard

Brendan Leonard is a writer, illustrator, speaker, and ultrarunner. In 2019, he completed 52 marathon-distance runs in 52 weeks, and survived, while having fun part...
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October 11, 2021

How to Embrace the Unknown and Express Your Hidden Genius with Victoria Labalme

Do you ever feel like you're the only person that didn't get the manual on how to be an adult? Or like you still have no idea what you really want to spend your life...
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October 04, 2021

How to make $10 million when your dream falls apart. My bonkers conversation with Cathy Heller

I don't video record my podcasts because I'm so new at this that I'm pretty sure I'm making weird faces while I read the questions I've written before hand for these...
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September 27, 2021

Becoming a Micro Innovator with Josh Linkner

Creativity is all about revision. Not many of us are capable of launching ideas already formed and perfectly successful, but that doesn't mean we aren't creative. I had my...
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September 20, 2021

How to unlock the power of self-awareness and the Enneagram with Ian Morgan Cron

What you do says a lot about you, but why you do what you do says a lot more. That's why I asked Ian Morgan Cron to join me for a conversation all about the...
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September 13, 2021

The secret month that makes accomplishing your goals a lot easier!

Everybody knows that January is a big month for goals, but there's another secret month hidden in the calendar that's a powerful time to start a new goal. I call these months...
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September 07, 2021

At your best: How to get time, energy, and priorities working in your favor with Carey Nieuwhof

Life always moves fast, but what happens when the pace of life becomes totally unsustainable? My friend and mentor, Carey Nieuwhof, rebuilt his entire life after a whirlwind...
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August 30, 2021

Stop Performing and Start Serving: How to Build a Brand That Matters with Rory Vaden

74% of Americans agree that they’re more likely to trust someone who has an established personal brand, so what does your personal brand say about you? Do you have a personal...
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Topics:   Branding ,   Marketing ,   Personal Development
August 23, 2021

4 ways to master the art of Strategic Boredom

When's the last time you were really bored? If you're like me, it's probably the last time you were in the shower. That seems to be the only time when I'm not trying to maximize...
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August 16, 2021

Grizzly Bears and Gill Nets: Discovering what matters most in life with "Alone" Producer Ryan Pender

You're completely alone in the wilderness. You only have 10 pieces of gear. If you can tough it out longer than nine other people, you win $500,000. Also, there are bears. And...
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August 09, 2021

5 simple ways to escape the comparison trap

Who's that person you always compare yourself to? Maybe it's some perfect mom you follow online? Or maybe it's the coworker who actually got in better shape during the...
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August 02, 2021

Enough About Me: The Unexpected Power of Selflessness with Richard Lui

Can selfless acts help you achieve your goals? It may sound counterintuitive that investing time into others can help you achieve your goals, but Richard Lui has the data that...
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Total Pages: 10