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May 17, 2021

Greg McKeown & how to make the essential things in your life the easiest things. (Part 1)

Have you ever convinced yourself that to achieve a big goal, it has to be painfully difficult or it doesn't count? There aren't many people that take committing to the essential...
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May 17, 2021

Part 1 - Greg McKeown & how to make the essential things in your life the easiest things.

Have you ever convinced yourself that to achieve a big goal, it has to be painfully difficult or it doesn't count? There aren't many people that take committing to the essential...
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May 10, 2021

10 Things No One Tells You When You Graduate from College

There are a limited number of universal truths in the world, but I think we can all agree on this: Nobody likes a boring graduation speech. That’s why this week’s podcast...
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Topics:   Graduation ,   Graduation Guest ,   Youth ,   Motivation
May 03, 2021

3 shame-free soundtracks that will help you crush your health goals.

Health and fitness goals are at the top of the list of difficult things to accomplish. It’s not that losing weight, staying in shape, or shaving a few minutes off your mile time...
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April 26, 2021

The 3 things that changed my mind about positive thinking

When I say “positive thinking,” what words come to mind? If it’s words like “dumb,” “fake,” or “cheesy,” you’re in good company. I used to be a total hater too, but not...
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April 19, 2021

Say these 3 words if someone asks you to work for free

How do you say no to friends who want you to work for free without damaging the relationship? I doubt there's an entrepreneur out there that hasn't had to ask this question...
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April 12, 2021

Just Say "Yes": How one woman's positive mindset took her from barista to CEO

How much power does a positive mindset really have? Colleen Barry lost her job in the entertainment industry during the dot com bust in 2001. Her unexpected unemployment led...
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March 29, 2021

ATG 12: Soundtracks: How 3 simple words can completely change your overthinking

The last thing an overthinker needs is 800 new ideas about transforming overthinking. So in this episode, I simplified two years of research into three words. How? Well, I’ll...
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March 22, 2021

Building Resilience: 3 Soundtracks to Use When You Don't Feel Brave

Resilience is a popular word, especially in the midst of what we've faced in the last year. We all need it, but what does it actually mean? In this episode, I’m breaking down...
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Topics:   Change ,   Advertising ,   Business
March 15, 2021

Memory Hack: How to hack your memory with the two tricks elite athletes use to accomplish big goals

I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that your memory is a liar. We tend to think our memory is telling us exactly what happened in the past but that's...
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March 01, 2021

The trick Will Smith uses to pick movies and how it can change your life, too!

    When he was 21, Will Smith was going to move to Los Angeles. He was from West Philadelphia born and raised, on the playground was where he spent most of his days....
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February 23, 2021

3 Ways to Start Changing Your Mindset

Want to change your mindset? Want to tweak your self-talk? Want to become more mindful without going on a 90-day Jared Leto-style silent retreat in Sedona? Listen to this...
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Total Pages: 10