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June 11, 2019

Timing is Everything: Jim Carroll's 5 Rules on Aligning to the Future!

Here’s a big issue to wrap your head around – increasingly, your opportunity for future success will come from your ability to get the timing right! That issue has been...
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Topics:   Futurists ,   Technology ,   Time Management
June 07, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "What part of 'it's inevitable' do you not understand?"

"What part of 'it's inevitable' do you not understand?" – #Futurist Jim Carroll Certain things are certain – that's a phrase I will often use on stage. It's a...
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Topics:   Futurists
June 05, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "Yesterday's success story is already out of date. You need to rewrite it ."

"Yesterday's success story is already out of date. You need to rewrite it with a new beginning and a different ending!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll What a great line! I heard...
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Topics:   Entrepreneurs
June 03, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "You need to deliver knowledge that doesn't exist .. and do it yesterday!"

"You need to deliver knowledge that you aren't yet aware of, for jobs that don't yet exist, to a group of people who don't know that they will need it. And you need to do it...
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May 29, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "A figment of your imagination? It's already someone else's disruptive reality!"

"A figment of your imagination? It's already someone else's disruptive reality!" -Futurist Jim Carroll Imagine you've got about 5 minutes to go on stage. You are...
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Topics:   Futurists ,   Medical ,   Bio Technology
May 28, 2019

The Future of Transit: "It's Not Your Grandad's City Bus System Anymore!"

In 1964, at the age of 5, I started going to kindergarten in Byron, a subdivision of London, Ontario. It was back in the day – and at that small age, I actually took a city bus...
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May 28, 2019

"We Used To ." - A Look Back at How Primitive Our World Was in 2019

Part of the art in figuring out the future comes not from looking forward, but by looking back. What that idea in mind, here’s a list of things we used to do back in 2019 which...
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May 27, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "The scope of your vision should exceed the size of your challenge!"

"The scope of your vision should exceed the size of your challenge!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll A photo that captures me in a moment in time during my keynote for the World...
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May 24, 2019

Daily Inspiration: " .an incredible grasp of incompetence!"

"Maybe your real challenge is that you are surrounded by people who have an incredible grasp of incompetence!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll You've spent a lot of time coming up with...
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May 23, 2019

THE WHO had it right: Your business model will probably die before you get old!

Will you survive? People don’t have a lot of confidence that their business model is going to stay the same. Watch this clip where I’m polling a retail audience on that very...
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May 23, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "The future is your finish line!"

"The future is your finish line!" – My Cousin Ken Keeley My newly-via-DNA discovered cousin made this comment yesterday in a thread in which he had posted my daily quote from...
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May 22, 2019

Daily Inspiration: ""You'll always have an opportunity to turn things around!"

"You'll always have an opportunity to turn things around!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll Although I'm not a 'motivational' speaker, but a futurist, a good part of my job on stage is...
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Total Pages: 7