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September 02, 2020

How Do We Rebuild Trust in the New Normal?

This growing lack of trust can have serious consequences as we try to reverse the economic meltdown as a result of the global pandemic and bring about positive change and...
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August 26, 2020

The New Big Picture: Think Before Taking Action

Recently, I met with the top executives of a Fortune 100 company. During traditional times, you can probably imagine that being an executive of such a sizable company does not...
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August 19, 2020

Using The Both/And Principle To Increase Trust

In a previous blog, I discussed Anticipatory Leaders using accelerated Hard Trends as we transition from a global shutdown. COVID-19 is still prevalent while people are...
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August 12, 2020

Anticipatory Leaders and Accelerated Hard Trends

The predictability of disruption as an innovation accelerator is a central component of the Anticipatory Organization Model, focusing closely on how Anticipatory Organizations...
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August 06, 2020

Failing Is Learning; Fail Fast to Learn Faster

It was Thomas Edison, inventor of the lightbulb and other mainstays of the modern world, who said, "I haven't failed, I've just found ten thousand ways that don't work." This...
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July 29, 2020

Collaboration in Times of Need

Ford Motor Company is known for gems such as the GT500, burly trucks like the F-250 Super Duty, and daily drivers such as the Ford Escape with its storage capacity and car-like...
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July 22, 2020

A Battle of the Ages: Millennials and Baby Boomers

When one thinks of a battle, it is a display of physical prowess, such as a UFC fight or a boxing match. However, in this case, this is a current battle that is far less...
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July 15, 2020

Complacency Stunts Innovation

Complacency is often mistaken for stability, the feeling you've "made it" and now you can sit back and revel in what you've built. However, that ideology carries far more...
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July 08, 2020

Agility and Anticipation--A Vital Partnership

While exponential change is always moving, businesses and even whole industries traditionally move slower than they should, often finding themselves disrupted and working hard...
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July 01, 2020

Collaborate With a Strategic Alliance to Find Success

Traditionally, the concept of success through collaboration in the business world has been focused on eliminating competition to find success in ways that benefit the industry...
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June 24, 2020

Is Success A Big Limitation?

I once gave a commencement speech where I made a comment that took the parents and graduates completely by surprise. I said, "I don't want you to try to live a successful...
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Topics:   Leadership ,   Futurists ,   Personal Growth
June 17, 2020

Which Trends Can You Trust?

Mention the word "trend" in a group setting and you'll find that most will shrug it off, the reason being that the word "trend" has a negative connotation to it, causing trends...
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Total Pages: 17