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May 26, 2021

Rebuilding After a Global Pandemic? Use Honesty, Integrity and Trust Your Ability to Deliver

Global lockdowns, a dangerous virus, a tumultuous election, social distancing and masks versus no masks; 2020 was an uncertain year to say the least. With the diverse set of...
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May 12, 2021

12 Competencies for Future Success and Advantage

Even as I write this article, jobs in industries ranging from entertainment and media to manufacturing and medicine are being transformed by artificial intelligence (AI) and...
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May 05, 2021

Futureview : A Strategy That Outsmarts Complacency

It is clear that in business, many leaders and entrepreneurs alike chase and strive for stability. Whether it be in your bottom line or a product your organization is working to...
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April 28, 2021

Tired of the Unpredictable? Learn to be Anticipatory

More often than not, many businesses and organizations I work with view it as difficult or even impossible to foresee problems before they occur in our unpredictable world. In...
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April 21, 2021

Transformation is the Only Way to Really Change the Game

Steve Jobs of Apple once stated, "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." This mantra has resonated with hundreds of...
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April 14, 2021

From Trend Watching to Idea Wrangling: How To Turn Cycles Into Action Plans

We've seen cycles come and go--everything from music trends that emulate days gone by to past decades of fashion making a comeback. It is evident that cycles are all around...
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Topics:   Futurists ,   Technology ,   Consumer Trends ,   Strategy
April 07, 2021

Construction Careers Just Got More Interesting - And Most Likely, Less Backbreaking

Whether it is a global pandemic or everyday disruptions, most of us default to reaction and agility when faced with a crisis. For many, reactionary behavior is all they know;...
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March 31, 2021

Think Outside The Control Panel: How To Stay Employable In A Digital World

While there is a "generational war" between the young and the old in the workplace created by the younger generation's familiarity with technology and the older generation's...
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March 24, 2021

Anticipatory Minds don't Ask about the New Normal, they Forge the Next Normal

From virtual museum tours to five-star curbside pickup of a steak and lobster dinner, some tremendously innovative ideas emerged out of the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. With...
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March 17, 2021

IoT Could Soon Be As Common As Your Daily Commute

Undoubtedly, you have heard of smartphones. More likely than not, you have one in your pocket as you read this. Additionally, smart homes and smart home features are likely part...
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March 10, 2021

A.I. Requires Repositioning Your Workforce Rather Than Laying Them Off

Artificial intelligence (A.I.), one of the 20 core technologies I identified back in 1983 as the drivers of exponential economic value creation, has started out simple. From...
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March 03, 2021

Anticipatory Leaders Leverage Future Facts

The coronavirus pandemic has proven to be one of the most disruptive occurrences to happen in modern history. Starting in mid-March of 2020, something happened that would have...
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Total Pages: 17