In the Age of Cyber Warfare, states and corporations alike have redrawn the battle lines, and they are now virtual. This era began roughly 10 years ago, a computer virus called...
How do you reconcile joy and abundance with undeniable pain and suffering? In the face of increasingly troubling events and negativity, this week's video will help you bring...
It “only” took me 3 Olympics for me to learn this lesson that helped me perform better at 55 than I ever did before.
A simple leadership lesson anyone can use to achieve...
Mrs. Rita M. Wirtz, MA
There's so much going on right now in the world, in particular, I'm extremely concerned about the resurfacing of the "reading wars." I have no control...
Pilots are required to invest hundreds of hours in simulated flight scenarios before taking command of a live aircraft. Race car simulators help drivers prepare for the...
If you are in business, you have to make money. That's not a question; it's a fact. It is also a future certainty. Whether digital or physical, so long as currency exists, you...
Are you often in a state of urgency? This week's video helps you respond to urgent requests without losing your sanity.
What do you do...
Now that Facebook has changed their name to Meta to stake their claim on the personal and business use of Virtual Reality (VR) environments -- the Metaverse - will this finally...
Are your goals getting in the way of your success and fulfillment? This week's video shows you how to use goals as launchpads for even better opportunities.
The allure of the corner office has captured the imagination of nearly everyone in the working world. A promotion to the next level - or the level after that - would be a...
I want you to take a moment and ask yourself: are you afraid of change?
Many answer with a flat-out "yes," some may answer "yes, depending on the circumstance," and a select few...