By Travis Crowder
Exceptional writing teachers have taught me valuable lessons about how writers find ideas. Over time, writing has become a space for me to wrestle with my...
In our professional lives, our days consist of delivering value in one form or another. Depending on your craft, your deliverables may take the form of a research report, sales...
A Leader Knows When to Call an Audible
Archie Manning offers advice on how to lead in these uncertain times. He discusses the importance of overcoming adversity, getting...
In the United States, manufacturing is a huge sector. Its importance to our national and global economy is evident in how many white- and blue-collar jobs are integral in each...
Life is NOT a “pass or fail” test. This short video will help you free yourself from the fear of failure and find multiple right answers wherever you look.
Where else but in California would you find leadership training courses with yoga? It might seem trendy, yet, yoga wisdom is ancient so be careful before you laugh.
On the...
I tend to get reflective at the start of each new year. I was thinking how different our lives were just 10 years ago, and those differences were striking:
Ten years ago, we...
As an executive or leader in your organization, you're managing many things: the company's image, numerous projects, and a talented group of people.
But you're also...
We’re all ready to put 2020 behind us. Stepping into a new year brings a sense of hope. It’s as if a magic wand will appear, the old will be gone, and the new will come. We make...
With the New Year upon us, you may find excitement and fresh momentum. But can you recapture "newness," regardless of the calendar? This week's video will show you how!
At a pre-pandemic, 2019 Thanksgiving dinner, I chatted with Kelsey, the 27-year-old daughter of some close friends. Kelsey is like a second daughter to me since I’ve known...
Queen Elsa, the lead character in Disney's smash hit Frozen, was haunted by her past. As the plot unfolds, she gains the courage to let go of her previously held beliefs in...