Sondra Thiederman Ph.D. | Pioneer in Diversity

Sondra Thiederman Ph.D.

Pioneer in Diversity

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Sondra Thiederman Ph.D.

Honored as a "Pioneer in Diversity" by Profiles in Diversity Journal, Sondra Thiederman, Ph.D. has been immersed in the topics of unconscious bias and workplace diversity/inclusion for nearly three decades.

Sondra holds a Ph.D. in Cross-Cultural studies from the University of California, Los Angeles. Over the years, she has authored a number of highly regarded books, journal articles, blogsand presentations, all aimed at enhancing the understanding of how to defeat the unconscious biases that so damage our workplaces and our nation.
Sondra's work in the field of diversity and inclusion continues to this day; she researches the unique problems of her varied clients, preparing resources and presentations that enlighten, engage, and encourage change. She works with companies and media outlets around the world in her mission to help organizations move beyond bias.

Sondra is the author of a number of books including:

Profiting in America's Multicultural Marketplace: How to Do Business Across Cultural Lines
Bridging Cultural Barriers for Corporate Success: How to Manage the Multicultural Workforce
Getting 'Culture Smart': Ten Strategies for Making Diversity Work
Making Diversity Work: Seven Steps for Defeating Bias in the Workplace
The Diversity and Inclusion Handbook
3 Keys to Defeating Unconscious Bias: Watch, Think, Act

Sondra Thiederman Ph.D.
Featured Video

Current: Speaker Reel

Time 10:40

Sondra Thiederman Ph.D.
Featured Keynote Programs

Innovation, Trust, Bias Reduction

Overcome workplace bias and increase innovation by identifying shared values, interests, and goals while valuing diversity.


Increased inclusiveness through the ability to value diversity while identifying shared values and interests
Increased opportunities for innovation and creativity
Reduced conscious and unconscious bias in the workplace
An environment of increased comfort, trust, and harmony
Improved employee willingness to speak up with ideas and information
Stronger empathy between team members
The following will be customized to meet your needs and program format. Points are made through a mixture of audience interaction, commentary, respectful humor, anecdotes and client-specific examples.

An interactive discussion of how identifying what we have in common – while valuing diversity – enhances workplace innovation, trust, fairness, and commitment
An overview of how identifying what we have in common helps defeat unconscious bias
An interactive discussion of the four values all human beings share
Four immediately-applicable skills for identifying common ground in the workplace
How to keep Common Ground top of mind
How to enable goal-oriented inter-group contact
How to develop two-way mentor partnerships
How to develop Employee Resource Groups and other entities around shared needs and goals.
Sondra’s book, 3 Keys to Defeating Unconscious Bias is a natural companion to this presentation. Purchase for all attendees is recommended. Discount rates are available.

This program can be customized to meet your needs. Sondra will work closely with you to assure that the presentation speaks directly to your audience and to your goals.

Turn Tense Moments into Productive Conversations

Learn the skills needed to convert moments of workplace tension into gateways for increased understanding and stronger workplace relationships.

Have you ever been offended by someone’s comment but didn’t know what to do about it? Have you ever said something insensitive and didn’t know how to take it back?

If so, welcome to the crowd.

Unfortunately, these moments of diversity-related tension are all around us. Sadly, they cause confusion, embarrassment, anger, lost work time, hurt feelings, and resentment – the list goes on and on.

The good news is: It doesn’t have to be that way! This presentation shows audiences how to handle those moments more comfortably, using them as springboards to better working relationships. Handled well, these events can serve as positive gateways to increased understanding and better working relationships. That’s why Sondra calls these “Gateway Events.”


The ability to convert moments of tension into better working relationships
Reduced bias through improved communication
Time saved for management from having to intervene in diversity-related conflicts
Increased teamwork and workplace harmony
Less tension among team members.
Increased employee retention as a result of an increased atmosphere of respect and inclusion
Reduced risk of employee complaints and litigation
The following will be customized to meet your needs and program format. Points are made through a mixture of audience interaction, commentary, respectful humor, anecdotes, and client-specific examples.

Discussion of how moments of diversity-related tension can be converted to opportunities for improved communication and reduced bias
Examples of “Gateway Events” that are pertinent to the client organization
Survey of the specific ways in which effective dialogue skills positively impact relationships
Exposure to four key skills for effective dialogue. Each skill will be accompanied by examples and extensive audience interaction. These include:
Skills to manage the emotions that typically block our ability to dialogue with respect and clarity
Guidance on how to set productive goals for each conversation – and how to achieve those goals
How to handle the dilemma of intent versus impact
How to make respectful verbal choices that encourage rather than shut down productive conversation
This presentation is based on Sondra’s training video package Gateways to Inclusion: Turning Tense Moments into Productive Conversations

This program can be customized to meet your needs. Sondra will work closely with you to assure that the presentation speaks directly to your audience and to your goals.

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Sondra Thiederman Ph.D.

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