Rene Carayol | Renowned Executive Coach, Leadership Speaker and Inclusion Expert

Rene Carayol

Renowned Executive Coach, Leadership Speaker and Inclusion Expert

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Rene Carayol

Inclusion is now at the top of the agenda for many progressive businesses and their leaders. They are authentically and passionately trying to create an environment where everyone can flourish.  

From our experience, business performance tangibly improves when all colleagues feel they belong, where every colleague can bring their full self to work and feel part of something special. This takes effort, focus and much cultural heavy lifting. Businesses who are making proactive progress on Inclusion are finding that not only is this the right thing to do, but the smart thing to do. 

By engaging with René Carayol, businesses will demonstrate their real commitment to Inclusion. This Inclusive Leadership Initiative will help build a truly diverse and iclusive culture that provides authentic ‘belonging’ for all those involved, no matter their background. 


René is very clear on the fact that no two businesses are the same. Every client that he works with requires a bespoke  approach for René to make the biggest impact. Beginning with an understanding of the vision and purpose of the business,  a pathway is devised to ensure alignment across the leadership and the organisation. 

The past few years have been tough. We’ve seen changes in business and society that we never could have predicted.  Now, leaders are looking to stabilise and grow in this new environment. Progressive leaders know that the key to this will  be prioritising their organisation’s culture and making a committed effort towards inclusion and belonging. 

René has now worked with a number of global CEOs wanting to build an inclusive culture. Therefore, we have a tried  and tested approach, but every leadership team is as “unique as their fingerprints” and this will require tailored support. 

His philosophy of “everybody in, nobody out” reflects what is needed and necessary for progressive businesses today  far too many well intentioned diversity programs imadvertently exclude many colleagues, and this is feeding the negative  reporting and ‘the culture wars’. René has become adept at helping leadership teams build a truly empowered and  Inclusive high- performing culture. He is confident that he can help leadership teams deliver the desired inclusive culture  for their colleagues. 

Rene Carayol
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Rene Carayol
Featured Keynote Programs

Inclusive Leadership

It is no longer feasible for any one leader to do it all on their own anymore. They need support and challenge for decisions, solutions and the way forward. The days of being surrounded by more people that looked like them, sounded like them, thought like them and behaved like them are thankfully long gone in most progressive organisations, BUT sadly not yet in all organisations.

To get the very best decisions, strategy and solutions, teams need to cover all bases, and that means they must be diverse and then inclusive. Sports teams have figured this out long ago. They have specialists with differing strengths from diverse backgrounds who come together in dynamic fashion to deliver success.

Manage A Little Less and Lead a Little More

In recent times, a good enough management team, a good enough strategy, and a good enough brand was good enough. This is no longer the case. The blunt instrument of Management alone just doesn’t cut it anymore. It is the time for Leadership and Inspired Leadership at that.

Culture Is More Powerful Than Strategy

René will share his extensive experience and exposure to some of the worlds’ leading corporate cultures, telling his inspiring stories with his deft sense of humor whilst challenging everyone in the auditorium to think again about culture.

Collaboration Is The New Leadership

“Nothing is best done alone anymore” – no one leader can make all the tough calls on their own anymore. In today’s unforgiving markets, every leader requires the support of a diverse and high performing team. Building a collaborative and collegiate culture demands a new approach to leadership and a change in mindset.

Rene Carayol
Featured Book

Spike: What are You Great at?by Rene Carayol

Spike: What are You Great at?

by Rene Carayol

n this groundbreaking book, leading executive coach Rene Carayol shares the magic and simplicity of the SPIKE (Strength, Positively, Identified, Kick, Start, Excellence) philosophy. In the world of SPIKE, there are no losers anymore - everyone has something they are great at! The product of 30 years of supporting the growth and development of thousands of individuals and organizations globally, the book brings together a proven formula for personal and business development. The vital and essential ingredient of SPIKE is that everyone has at least one inherent strength. Finding those sometimes hidden strengths and energies, and then mobilizing them for your and other's benefit, is the ultimate aim of this inspiring book.

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