Michael Winston | Change - The Boost to Innovation and Customer Satisfaction

Michael Winston

Change - The Boost to Innovation and Customer Satisfaction

Michael Winston

With over thirty years of experience as a business leader, change agent, and organization strategist, Michael G. Winston has been in businesses across several industries (high technology, aerospace and financial services) going through massive transformation. He has worked closely with C-Suite Officers developing the business model, crafting strategy, architecting structure, and developing leaders. As Managing Director and Chief Leadership Officer for a Bank of America legacy company, he hired and led the team that designed, developed and implemented the company's first-ever organization strategy, development and integration initiatives. The company catapulted from unranked to eighth in a thousand-deep list of international corporations for "Best in Leadership Development" based upon their efforts in under two years as noted by Leadership Excellence magazine. His team's efforts were also recognized by Linkage, Douglas Publications, the Concours Group and HR.Com for excellence. As Global Head, Worldwide Leadership and Organization Strategy for Merrill Lynch, he served during one of the most challenging periods in history before and after 9/11/01. He held the highest functional role in the Corporation on the issues of organization structure, executive succession planning, leadership development and the management of change. He was responsible for reinvigorating and upgrading the company's succession planning strategy during a critical time in the company's evolution. Previously, he spent over ten years at Motorola as Vice President and Managing Director, heading up all organization design, large-scale change, leadership development and succession planning initiatives for the Communications businesses during the company's meteoric rise from $6B to over $30B. He created the "The Leading Edge", "S.W.A.T.", "Vision, Strategy & Culture", "PULSE" and Co-Chaired the 6 Sigma Steering Committee, some of the most heralded and most benchmarked initiatives in business. The 6 Sigma concepts have been adopted worldwide and were created by Motorola. While there, he was dubbed Motorola's "Ambassador of Change."He also held top strategic human resources positions at McDonnell Douglas and Lockheed Corporations (where he was promoted three levels after nine months to report to the Office of the President). At Lockheed Corporation, he worked closely with the world-renown "Skunkworks" and successfully scaled their warp-speed cycle-time and quality initiatives throughout the Corporation. Concurrent with his corporate responsibilities, he had addressed executives at Harvard, Stanford, University of California, Berkeley, INSEAD (France), Management Centre Europe (Belgium) and served as Distinguished Professor for 15 years at Stichting deBaak (The Netherlands). He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, a Master's Degree from the University of Notre Dame, and is a graduate of Executive Programs from Stanford University and the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.

Michael Winston
Featured Keynote Programs

Accelerating Change

Change is occurring at a blistering pace, leaving many businesses unprepared. Wave after wave of technological breakthroughs have revolutionized entire industries overnight. Wrenching political changes around the world are bringing new opportunities and fresh risks. Competition in global markets is growing fiercer by the day. More sophisticated customers expect ever-higher levels of quality, customization, convenience, and timeliness.

The business climate has and will experience continued turbulence. New regulatory challenges as well as lingering economic uncertainty pose significant challenges. Success will depend not only on size, but also on speed and competitiveness to capitalize on fast-moving changes in markets, technologies, and the general business landscape. The Power of Change reveals proven strategies and tools to anticipate, drive and capitalize on change. This is Michael’s most requested and popular topic.

Champions of Innovation

Is your firm leading, managing and creating a culture for innovation success and business breakthroughs in this new global marketplace? Innovation is essential to compete in the global arena. To stay ahead of the curve, organizations need to redefine the rules of innovation and build a culture for innovation.

How can you ensure that your idea generators dedicate themselves to your company—rather than taking their hot management notions to rival firms? Innovation Champions reveals the new tools that enable us to harness an explosion of new, productive, innovative ideas in a changing world. Discover how to champion change, generate innovative solutions, reinvent your business model, and compete successfully in an ever-demanding global environment. This presentation is highlighted by rich illustrations of business trailblazers who charted a course into uncharted territory and brought glory to their names and phenomenal new opportunities to their companies. This presentation is especially relevant to leaders and companies that recognize that they must thrive on innovation and originality, encouraging risk-taking and divergent voices.

Building Competitive Advantage

Rapidly changing technology, quick market saturation, unexpected competition, and economic uncertainties - these all make succeeding in business harder than ever today. Companies that are ahead of the curve have a high intensity and consistent focus on markets, customers and competition. Building competitive advantage is not enough. You have to sustain competitive advantage. The required skills are not easy to master.

The source of competitive advantage is a constantly moving target. The best competitors know how to keep moving, can adapt quickly to meet market and technology changes, and always stay on the cutting edge. Marketplace and organizational agility are prime factors of success. Dynamic organizations thrive through agility and infinite marketplace adaptation to become market leaders.

Business strategies must and are changing in an effort to become more competitive. Many businesses have to be totally revamped to reflect the new values, new management styles, and new ways of doing business necessary to meet the competitive challenge. Building Competitive Advantage covers the “new rules” for competitive vigor.

Leadership...in the Eye of the Storm!

A changing business environment requires an increasingly high level of human performance within an increasingly complex business world. Leadership…in the Eye of the Storm details cutting-edge tools and strategies leaders use during turbulent times to tap and optimize the talents and skills of those around them - stimulating high performance, sparking creativity and imagination, encouraging teamwork and inspiring loyalty.

The key is stepping up to the task of creating an environment in which people want to, and can, perform at the highest levels of their potential. This program provides participants with the perspectives, strategies, and tactics to shape both their personal destinies and their organization's futures in an age of complexity and uncertainty.

Michael Winston
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World Classby Michael Winston

World Class

by Michael Winston

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