Counterfeit Friendship (First of 3-part seminar based on the book, Friendish)
We’re more connected than ever. And we’re lonelier than ever. What’s the problem here? In this first session, you’ll see the real culprit behind our loneliness and the only solution while learning about 3 counterfeits of true friendship that we all need to avoid.
Redefining Friendship (Second of 3-part seminar based on the book, Friendish)
How does the gospel change friendship? How does our access to the fountain of living water transform how we relate to others? This session seeks to redefine four things in light of the gospel: how we practice friendship, our needs in friendship, the true enemy of friendship and our mission in friendship.
Fostering a Culture of Healthy Friendships (Third of 3-part seminar based on the book, Friendish)
How can you help change the culture of your school, church, and community? Here are 5 sure-fire ways to fight for deep and meaningful community for yourself and for others.