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January 13, 2020

Live Inspired Podcast: Bridge Towards Acceptance (Monday Moments ep. 219)

On this week’s Live Inspired Podcast Monday Moment segment, John O’Leary answers a community member’s question about acceptance.Join me every Monday for a quick burst of...
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January 12, 2020

How To Share Your Story for the First Time

In my travels, I have the opportunity to share my story, and when I encourage others to share, I often hear two things: I don’t have a story I’m afraid to share my story I...
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January 12, 2020

The New 70/30 Rule of Inventive Thinking

The infamous 80/20 rule seems to permeate business literature. 80% of your profits come from the best 20% of your customers; 20% of your top people drive 80% of your revenue;...
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January 09, 2020

Live Inspired Podcast: NASCAR's Kenny Wallace: Striving Towards Excessive Happiness (ep. 218)

John O’Leary welcomes NASCAR legend Kenny Wallace to the Live Inspired Podcast to share how he strives every day to be his iconic, happy, fun-loving self.In his...
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January 08, 2020

4 Techniques to Apply Mindfulness to Improve Your Life & Sales

Sit in a comfortable position while being aware of your body touching the seat, your feet resting on the floor, your arms resting at your side. Focus on your breath, in and...
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January 08, 2020

How Vital It Is To Keep The Mississippi River Clean

    Chad Pregracke has dedicated his life to cleaning up America's rivers with his organization Living Lands & Waters – his mission and work are legendary up and...
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January 08, 2020

The Tech Side of Travel

In the next five to ten years, technology will give us many new ways to enjoy travel--from the planning phase to the actual trip. Tomorrow's travel will look nothing like it...
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January 07, 2020

Fanocracy | Beyond Speaking Podcast Transcript

Brian Lord: [00:00:12] Hi, I'm Brian Lord, your host for The Beyond Speaking Podcast and today we have on David Meerman Scott. He has a business growth strategist, he's the...
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Topics:   Marketing ,   Business ,   Advertising
January 07, 2020

The Room Where It Happens

Are you in the right room to realize your dreams? This week’s video delivers four solid steps to attract the people and opportunities to enrich your life and enable greater...
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January 06, 2020

How to Set Goals that You'll Actually Achieve

As a new year and a new decade begin, many of us are setting goals and trying to get our lives on track (or back on track.) And for most of us, those goals fall by the wayside...
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January 06, 2020

Be a Problem Solver, Not a Complainer

Problems are a part of everyday reality in every workplace. That's true no matter where you work or who your colleagues are. Most of the time, you are probably dealing with...
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January 06, 2020

MIRTHMAKING…It's a Distance Thing

Dissecting the meaning of humor is like dissecting a frog: nobody really enjoys it and the frog dies. So let’s save a frog. No analysis or dissection here, just a direct...
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Topics:   Humor ,   Motivation
Total Pages: 343