Roger Merrill believes that the best way to predict your future is to create it.
He has inspired thousands of people to do just that by helping them learn to be more effective in what they do. In his writings, consulting activities and seminars, Roger Merrill teaches that personal effectiveness is both the foundation of organizational effectiveness and the fruit of a principle-centered approach to life. This approach has proven effective with audiences and organizations worldwide.
Study, research and over thirty years of experience as a line manager, senior executive, trainer and consultant have convinced Roger Merrill that the need for effective leadership is real and that leadership must grow from within. Personal responsibility and integrity are key to success, as are strong relationships, management systems and organizational alignment. With a degree in Business Management, and extensive graduate work and research in Organizational Behavior and Adult Learning, his life-long interest in leadership has prompted him to search for proven principles of effectiveness throughout history--as well as in the everyday activities of individuals and organizations today.
Roger Merrill is one of the founding members of the Covey Leadership Center (now the Franklin Covey Company), which specializes in leadership development. He has worked with many of the world's most respected organizations, government agencies and small up-and-coming enterprises. His strong conceptual understanding of leadership has contributed much to the highly successful programs, books and materials Franklin Covey offers.
Along with Stephen R. Covey, Roger Merrill and his wife Rebecca authored First Things First. Other author credits include Connections, Quadrant II Time Management., contributory work on Principle-Centered Leadership and various articles and materials focusing on principle-centered leadership.
Warp Speed Thrusters or "Black Holes"? From the Tablet PC to Smart Phones, how to choose and use the technology that's right for you. Roger's recognition as one of the world's leading experts on time management combined with his involvement in the software industry place him at the forefront of current and emerging personal systems technology.
"The essence of leadership in its greatest simplicity," based on Roger's beautiful classic book co-authored with Stephen R. Covey and former National Geographic photojournalist, Dewitt Jones. Enhanced by stunning photographs from the book.
Drawing on his extensive background in golf, Roger uses the popular sport as a teaching metaphor and learning activity to show how to integrate the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People in the game and in life. (Half-day seminar; a half day on the course.)
A fascinating paradigm shift that empowers you to discern and use the learning gifts you already have to grow in the knowledge and skills you need to be effective in today's world.