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November 22, 2021

How the Pandemic is Changing the Rules of Success

  The Pandemic will go down in history as the tragedy of our lifetimes. But it has set off what is being called a "future of work" revolution that is still in its infancy....
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November 15, 2021

Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow

Ten years ago, frigid temperatures in Texas caused rolling blackouts, and millions lost power. The state was warned to weatherize its power grid to prepare for more...
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October 21, 2021

Thoughts From a Return to the Lecture Trail

During the depths of Covid, I half wondered if I would ever speak again. Then, last month, I returned to doing live events, mostly small. Last week, I returned to the big...
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September 21, 2021

What John Naisbitt Taught Me About Navigating Today's Rapid Changes

Editor’s Note: Futurist John Naisbitt died earlier this year at the age of 91. His contribution to the field of future studies was enormous, and he had an early influence in my...
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August 24, 2021

Adapt or Die: Prepare for the Coming Climate Crisis

As a futurist, I monitor a broad spectrum of trends, from demographic to technological to social and geopolitical. When it comes to climatological trends, I rely on forward...
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July 19, 2021

Putting Leaders to the Test

As a college student, I was a volunteer on Joe Biden's initial race for U.S. Senate. I recalled him saying something like, "If I'm elected, come see me in Washington." Twenty or...
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June 15, 2021

Why Now Is Time For A Strategic Leadership Retreat

During the depths of the Global Pandemic, I began to notice a disturbing comment in the interviews I conduct regularly with organizational leaders. It went something like this:...
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May 21, 2021

The Comeback of the Meetings Industry

The sun is coming out on the conference industry, just in time. Even worse than the cruise industry, the meetings industry has been hammered by COVID-19. Hundreds of mostly...
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Topics:   Meeting ,   Event ,   Community Events ,   Top 10 Event Planner ,   Economy
April 21, 2021

Four "Future of Work" Trends to Act On Today

Ten years ago, plunging temperatures led to rolling blackouts across Texas, leaving more than three million people without power. In February 2021, a near identical scenario...
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March 18, 2021

How to Think Like a Futurist

When Covid shut down life as we know it a year ago, many a company went into “batten down the hatches” mode. They followed their recession playbooks. When demand took off...
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Topics:   Futurists ,   Business
December 09, 2020

The Case For Optimism In 2021

"How can you be upbeat about a 'post-pandemic future' when there's so much pain and uncertainty right now," a colleague asked me the other day, as we were preparing for a...
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October 09, 2020

Are You a Forward-Thinker? Use These 4 Questions To Find Out

Generals, the old saying goes, are always fighting the last war. In the age of global pandemic and Moore's Law, this is a prescription for disaster. Artificial intelligence,...
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Topics:   Business ,   Business Keynote ,   Innovation
Total Pages: 6