Rick Barrera | Best-Selling Author of "Overpromise and Overdeliver"

Rick Barrera

Best-Selling Author of "Overpromise and Overdeliver"

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Travels From
San Diego, California, United States

Rick Barrera

Rick Barrera has lived "in the trenches" solving real world business issues for over 25 years as a consultant and business owner. As a speaker, he captivates audiences with real life stories and future focused thinking.

He is the Head of Faculty for The Center for Heart Led Leadership in Denver, Colorado, a frequent host of "Connect and Collaborate Radio" on Denver's MoneyTalk Radio and Co-Host of The Financial Advisor Show Podcast.

He has helped dozens of companies, radically shift their focus, invigorate their cultures, re-design their systems, accelerate revenue growth and serve customers at significantly higher levels. . His fresh thinking approach has influenced Abbott Labs, Ameriprise, Auto Crib, AutoZone, Bayer, Caterpillar, GMAC, IBM, Invisible Fence, Husqvarna, Intel, Merrill Lynch and Verizon - to name a few.

He has authored books on Alignment, Branding, Marketing, Sales and Customer Service including Overpromise and Overdeliver: How to Design and Deliver Extraordinary Customer Experiences which was a Wall Street Journal and Business Week Best Seller. He is currently working on a leadership book entitled "We Before Me."

He lives in beautiful San Diego, CA with his two Perfect-Angel-Genius-Children.

Rick Barrera
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Time 04:39

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Love And Money
Time 04:39
Overpromise & Overdeliver
Time 03:46

Rick Barrera
Featured Keynote Programs

Our Exponential Future

What if…
▪ The problems that have plagued humankind for thousands of years were suddenly eviscerated?
▪ The cost of living suddenly dropped?
▪ The entire planet was thrust into long-term prosperity?
▪ Artificial Intelligence could be leveraged to instantly make you an industry leader?

What are the implications…
▪ For you and your company of living in an exponential world?
▪ Are you ready for a positive future unlike anything humanity has ever experienced?
▪ That radical future is imminent… the only question is whether or not you are ready to win?
▪ Is your company structured properly and your team emotionally prepared to leverage these exponential changes that could place you at the forefront of your industry?

Extraordinary News
In this fast-paced, exciting talk, Rick Barrera will show you how multiple emerging technologies will dramatically change the business landscape and transform human existence over the next decade. Cheap energy, abundant clean water, low cost food, free computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, nanotechnology, dematerialization, and demonetization will come together to revolutionize how we think, live, feel and work.

These changes are coming at an exponentially accelerated rate. Missing just one shift could be fatal. Catching one could change your company’s fortunes and future.

If your organization could use some good news and a powerful dose of optimism, this experience is just what the doctor ordered. Your team will leave excited about the future, and stimulated to think about the infinite new opportunities that are ready to be harvested by forward-thinking organizations who understand the untold cornucopia that is about to be spread before us.

Key Concepts:
▪ Infinite prosperity will be within your grasp in just a few short years
▪ You must think differently about the value you deliver and the ways you deliver it
▪ Why solar power, 4th generation nuclear technology, fusion, and other new technologies will create unlimited clean, cheap energy for the planet
▪ How a device called “The Slingshot” can deliver all the clean water we’ll ever need from virtually any source
▪ How aeroponics will provide locally grown, nutrient-rich foods at a fraction of the cost of traditional agriculture
▪ How free computing is enabling billions of minds to reinvent a sustainable positive future for all of us
▪ How nanotechnology will enable us to build whatever we need, wherever we need it
▪ Why dematerialization and demonetization free everyone to create unlimited wealth and prosperity
▪ Why we must prepare for computers that will match or surpass human intelligence.
▪ How we can harness Artificial Intelligence to solve previously unsolvable problems and what we must do now to ensure that we are not enslaved or destroyed by it.
▪ Why all of these changes will drive unprecedented global political and economic freedom
▪ How the structure of your company must change to adapt to a much more flexible future
▪ Why Platform companies and Network companies will dominate the business landscape and how to be the first in your industry to make the transition
▪ How infinite new markets are opening up for products and services that don’t yet exist
▪ How leadership, human resources, sales, sales leadership, marketing, operations and customer service must change to leverage Our Exponential Future
▪ How to ensure you are a winner in the coming talent wars where the winner will take all
▪ How to shift from being a low margin “supplier or vendor” to a high margin “network node”
▪ Why rethinking company design is critical
▪ How to prepare for Our Exponential Future by building communities, tribes and global networks for information, access, and extraordinary profit generating opportunities
▪ What you need to do to be emotionally ready for a very different future
▪ How these changes will unleash a global entrepreneurial boom
▪ Implications for government, society and humanity
▪ Why we need to lean into the coming changes to accelerate our newfound prosperity now… by embracing our exponential future!
▪ The 10 most important actions you must take right now to leverage these opportunities for exponential profits!

Intended Audiences
This talk is perfect as an opening or closing keynote for association or corporate audiences, with the intention of providing an optimistic view of the future while challenging audience members to embrace rapid change. Any meeting focused on change management or embracing change, or where the goal is to light a fire under those who might be a bit complacent.

This talk can flex from a TED Talk format to a 45-90 minute Keynote (with or without Q & A), to a 1-3 hour workshop, or a full day of exercises and activities designed to stimulate thinking or seek direct applications for implementation.

Are you ready for Your Exponential Future?

Collaborative Selling

How well does your sales team know your prospects? How well do they research them prior to their first call? Do they know how to properly interview prospects and customers to learn what they are thinking and feeling? Are they aligning their offers with your customer’s top priorities?

In this interactive session, Rick Barrera will show you how to make sure that all of these things are
happening using his unique Collaborative Selling Methodology.

You Will Learn:
✦ How to create a territory plan that guarantees an income boost every year including how to identify the “Metrics that Matter.”
✦ Why it is critical that you have written relationship plan customers, prospects and mentors
✦ How to create streams of relationships to broaden your base
✦ How to use technology and social media to generate unlimited high quality leads
✦ How to penetrate the right associations to build your pipeline and reputation
✦ How to leverage your CRM to make your life easier and generate more revenue
✦ How to position yourself, your company and your offer to be in a “Category of One”
✦ How to get out of the transaction business and into the profitable relationship business
✦ How to create streams of information that keep you on the cutting edge of your industry and market trends
✦How to properly research your prospect before your meeting to ensure that you are relevant and focused
on their most pressing needs
✦ How to use Social Media to “soften the beachhead”
✦ How to get on your customer’s mental map and stay there, shortening your sales cycle so you can put cash
in the bank faster
✦ How to ask the right questions in the right order, to get to the heart of the matter faster by getting your prospect to do the heavy lifting
✦ Deep listening, and HOW to listen on 15 levels at once to ensure total alignment
✦ How to get your prospect TO ASK FOR HELP
✦ How to get your prospect to sit “side-by-side” and collaborate with you to create the perfect solution using your products and services
✦ How to ensure that your solutions are always on target, and within budget, ensuring rapid approval
✦ How to get your new customer so committed to proper implementation that your project cannot fail
✦ How to get out of the proposal business and into the collaboration business
✦ The easiest way you’ve ever seen to actually confirm the sale. It is so simple you won’t believe it. Yet when you try it, you’ll be blown away by how well it works and how absolutely simple and easy it is.
✦ How to handle the implementation and follow-up to ensure that you set the table for an endless stream of referrals from each new customer
✦ How to take control of your business and your sales process to actually generate sales on demand
✦ How to penetrate each account to generate maximum revenue for you while maximizing value for your customer

And Much, Much, More!

A quarterly Intentional Sales Leadership Day for sales and marketing leaders of attendee companies. In this fast-paced, hands-on, drill-down workshop, leaders will take time out to sharpen the ax and create their quarterly plan for their sales team. We’ll get creative, help each other to think outside our industry and company to invent an exciting sales future for each company.

Activities will focus on:
✦ Setting the Sales Cadence
✦ Giving them something to talk about
✦ Lip Loading your team
✦ Forecasting
✦ Identifying and tracking the “Metrics that matter”
✦ Creating irresistible offers
✦ Creating detailed quarterly plans and strategies for execution
✦ Building a strong sales culture
✦ Sales coaching skills

Rethinking Customer Service

No matter how big your company, no matter what your business, exceptional customer service can be the difference that delivers a competitive edge. This program will teach your customer service employees how to maximize your revenue by treating your customers like the valuable asset they are.

Key Concepts
Too many managers focus on the cost of delivering outstanding customer service rather than looking at the profit it can generate.

• For customer service to drive revenue, margin and profit, your company must develop a reputation for delivering outstanding customer service.
• To develop a reputation for service, it must be consistently delivered at every customer touch point by every employee.
• Today’s customers focus on the total experience, not just the product or service.
• Every customer contact creates a “Moment of Mediocrity,” a “Moment of Misery” or a “Moment of Magic.”
• Profitable service means taking advantage of the sales opportunity in every service situation.
• Service people must understand that although the customer may not always be right, they are always the customer.
• A fresh look at Nordstrom, Disney, Google, Amazon, Four Seasons and other, models of exceptional customer service: how they recruit, train, coach and motivate for outstanding, consistent customer service.
• The five key future trends for service.

This topic is essential for all business audiences because everyone in the organization must understand that the customer is the ultimate boss. Each presentation will be custom tailored to address the specific needs of your organization, people and industry. This program works equally well with large audiences in a general session format or with small groups in a breakout or workshop setting. Many organizations have separate sessions for each level or function in the organization to address their specific issues and concerns.

Participants Learn
o Why exceptional service has become so critical to survival.
o The importance of delivering consistent outstanding customer service.
o How to handle the natural conflict between operations and marketing.
o How to recruit, train, coach and motivate front line people who will deliver consistent, outstanding customer service.
o How to organize to deliver exceptional customer service.
o What it means to create a “customer experience”
o How to create “moments of magic”
o How to turn “moments of misery” into “moments of magic”
o How to identify and take advantage of sales and serve opportunities.
o How to handle difficult, demanding and complaining customers.
o How to profit from five key trends in service delivery.

Alternate Titles
o The Dollars and Sence of Exceptional Service Delivery
o How to use Exceptional Customer Service as a Competitive Weapon.
o How to Profit from Exceptional Customer Service.
o The Sales-Service Connection.
o How to Create Profitabel Moments of Magic for your Customers.
o Why you want to create demanding, difficult and complaining customers.
o How to shift from an operations-driven culture to a marketing-driven culture.
o How to break through the barriers that keep you from being customer-driven.

Keynotes, Breakouts & General Sessions – 90 minutes to 3 hours
Workshops / Retreats – 3 to 6 hours
Customized, long-term culture shift programs are also available.


Overpromise and Overdeliver

The shortcut to Marketplace Dominance

To stand out in a transparent, hyper-competitive, real-time marketplace your offer must be radically different from your competitors…and you have to instantly prove your value to customers…

You must Overpromise and Overdeliver!

Key Concepts
• Incremental differences go unnoticed in a hyper-competitive marketplace. You must radically differentiate your company, brand, products, services and offers to earn marketplace attention
• You must be able to succinctly articulate your uniqueness with an Overpromise
• To win customers, you must be able to instantly prove that you can Overdeliver on your Overpromise by demonstrating your uniqueness at Critical Customer TouchPoints
• Once customers experience your uniqueness, they can spread word-of-mouth quickly by using your succinctly articulated Overpromise to tell others about your radical difference!
• The shortest path to market dominance is to Overpromise and Overdeliver

The Overpromise Formula: Identify, Amplify, Multiply

Step 1. Identify your company’s uniqueness and articulate your Overpromise to radically differentiate your company in the marketplace

Step 2. Amplify your uniqueness at 3-5 Critical TouchPoints to ensure that you can consistently Overdeliver for customers which accelerates adoption and maximizes revenue growth

Step 3. Multiply your wins by leveraging your Overpromise in the marketplace

Participants Learn:
• Why an articulated Overpromise is critical to survival
• How the Overpromise and Overdeliver methodology accelerates momentum
• Why momentum is essential to maximizing revenue growth and profitability
• Why a succinct, articulated Overpromise is essential for driving word-of-mouth
• How to leverage your Overpromise on social media
• How a clearly articulated Overpromise drives internal and external alignment that cuts costs and accelerates growth
• Why defining and amplifying Critical TouchPoint Experiences is essential for brand strength
• How the Overpromise and Overdeliver methodology delivers consistently Extraordinary Customer Experiences

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