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November 10, 2016

How To Recover From A Difficult Setback With KONY 2012's Jason Russell

Humiliation. Failure. Inadequacy. All incredibly difficult emotions to recover from as an entrepreneur.  In this one hour interview, walk with us as we discuss not only...
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November 10, 2016

3 Things To Do When You Don't Have The Leader You Want (Hint Trump)

We are post US election and there is a new American President, Donald Trump - as of this writing there are millions of people overjoyed at his election and there are...
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November 09, 2016

Special Post Election Edition | Health Reform and the Trump White House: Implications for Key Stakeh

The election results are in and Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States. His appeal to “Make America Great Again” resonated across the heartland...
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November 07, 2016

The Right Way to Think About College Scholarship Applications

They're a dream part-time job. Kristina Ellis, author of Confessions of a Scholarship Winner, wants high school students (and college students as well) to think about...
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November 07, 2016

5 Personalities Your Company Needs

Typically, leaders build teams based on job title: CTO, CMO, VP of Engineering, Director of Sales. While functional leadership roles must certainly be filled, slotting talented...
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November 06, 2016

Real-time Data: Returning Marketing to the Mad Men Glory Days

Marketing as a profession hit a low point about 25 years ago. Mesmerizing, elegant marketing programs had become a thing of the past. Gone were the glory days of the Mad Men...
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November 01, 2016

Why reading makes you a better writer

When I first signed with a literary agent several years ago, she told me to read as much as I could because it would improve my own writing. I never forgot that advice, and...
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November 01, 2016

Traps You Fall Into That Limit Your Happiness

Almost every action we take in life is aimed at achieving or maintaining “happiness”—that elusive state where we feel contentment, satisfaction, and even bliss. Still,...
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October 25, 2016

How to Reframe Your Fear and Let It Work For You

Do you ever get uneasy—or even afraid—when you’re close to achieving something big in your life? I do. In our recent relaunch of Platform University, for instance, we...
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October 25, 2016

Don't Let Your Marketing Pillars Crumble

Whether you are a startup, a well-established company, in the B2B space or trying to accelerate ecommerce in a B2C environment, there are some basic marketing fundamentals you...
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October 24, 2016

Marketing tip: A personal touch goes a long way

Several months ago I received an email from an author named S.J. (That is a purposefully androgynous pen name.) S.J. was doing a blog tour to help promote the launch of his/her...
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October 23, 2016

Blowin' in the Wind

Shy of becoming leader of the free world, winning a Nobel Prize is one of the greatest achievements imaginable. The prestige, economic rewards, and permanent place in history...
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Total Pages: 343