Michael Reagan, eldest son of President Ronald Reagan and best-selling author, writes on Reagan.com of the turning tide against the electoral advantage of incumbents,...
Premiere Mobile, the iPhone app for Premiere Speakers Bureau, is now live in iTunes. With the new app, you will be able to search for motivational speakers, read bios, get...
Financial expert and actor Ben Stein said that Goldman Sachs is "extremely questionable" on a recent episode of Fox News Channel's America Live with Megan Kelly.
Stating that...
Body language expert Tonya Reiman released her latest book, The Yes Factor, today.
The book, which follow's Reiman's The Power of Body Language, is an in-depth look at the art...
The Nashville Business Journal recently ran the following interview with Duane Ward, the president and founder of Premiere Speakers Bureau:
What makes your organization stand...
Gov. Mike Huckabee spoke with Middle Tennessee business leaders yesterday in the latest of our speaker luncheon series, The Forum at Premiere.
Huckabee, the former Arkansas...
A reporter on environmental issues including climate change, Amanda Little recently interviewed Sen. James Inhofe, who is prehaps the Senate's most ardent opponent to climate...
Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is concerned about the health care bill, and he think that you should be to.
Here's what he said last weekend on his Fox News Channel...
Fueled by Washington’s focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and U.S. competitiveness, Career and Technical Education (CTE) is emerging as a platform for...
Web events continue to gain traction in the event world, but they can feel quite overwhelming if you haven't run one before.
This morning I came across a blog posting from...
Dr. Bruce Weinstein, "The Ethics Guy", writes an ethics column for BusinessWeek.com. In addition, he speaks regularly to education and business groups about ethical issues. Here...
Olympic luger Ruben Gonzalez was recently the subject of a CNN.com profile that highlighted his incredible career both on and off the track.
Ruben Gonzalez, 47, made history in...