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November 23, 2021


Speak less. Say more. This week's video will help you engage the power of brevity. WATCH THE VIDEO. READ THE TRANSCRIPT. It's a chilly morning in Bismarck, North Dakota, so it...
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November 23, 2021

Surviving the Cancer Storm with Yoli Origel

When Yoli Origel found out she may have cancer, the first question out of her mouth was, "Oh my gosh. Am I going to die like my mom?" 21 years earlier, when Yoli was just ten...
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November 22, 2021

How the Pandemic is Changing the Rules of Success

  The Pandemic will go down in history as the tragedy of our lifetimes. But it has set off what is being called a "future of work" revolution that is still in its infancy....
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November 22, 2021

Leadership Happy Hour with Cobblestone Vineyards

Leadership tips that will make people want to work with you. Yoga poses you can do at your desk that will improve your management ability, your balance and your...
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November 22, 2021

Make Word Study (phonics, spelling, and vocabulary) a Game!

Timothy Rasinski, Ph.D. A few years ago, my four adult children were home for the holidays. Every evening after the dinner table was cleared and the dishes were done,...
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November 22, 2021

Finish more goals by asking 1 surprising question!

Want to have a big year? Ask big questions. In this episode, I'll teach you one of the most powerful questions you can ask when it comes to finishing goals. Heads...
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November 21, 2021

Sent is not Received

Last week, I had the amazing opportunity to fly on a small, owner-operated plane while listening in on the conversation between the pilot and air traffic control. Besides...
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November 16, 2021

Stages of Life

You are on stage every day, and moving from one stage to the next. This week's video will help you recognize the significance of your current stage, and bring your best to the...
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November 16, 2021

Stepping Into Your Godly Assignments with Chantell Cooley

When Chantell and her family were at the lowest of lows, they were living in a run down, falling apart camphouse for free--because they couldn't afford to pay rent--and had no...
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November 15, 2021

Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow

Ten years ago, frigid temperatures in Texas caused rolling blackouts, and millions lost power. The state was warned to weatherize its power grid to prepare for more...
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November 15, 2021

4 Soundtracks to Survive the Holidays.

Do you love the holidays? I know that can be a loaded question, that's why I've got a special holiday episode of All it Takes is a Goal for you. We're on the edge...
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November 10, 2021

Digital Disruption is Now a Business Standard. Will you Fight it or Embrace it?

Thanks to the Three Digital Accelerators I identified in the early '80s, which include computing power/processing power, storage, and bandwidth, we as a global society are at a...
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Total Pages: 343