Larry Johnson | Corporate Culture Expert, Customer Service Specialist, and Author

Larry Johnson

Corporate Culture Expert, Customer Service Specialist, and Author

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Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Larry Johnson

For twenty-five - plus years, Larry has helped organizations build more productive and profitable working cultures through the development of strong leaders and dedicated employees. He has received rave reviews from more than 150,000 business, government, and health-care professionals in every state in the union, as well as in Great Britain, China, Indonesia, Central America and Australia for his presentations on the topics of leadership, change, customer service, and honesty in business.

Larry is the coauthor of the highly acclaimed, top-selling business ethics book, Absolute Honesty: Building A Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk And Rewards Integrity and the landmark guide to managing inter-generational conflict, Generations Inc., From Boomers To Linksters, Managing the Friction Between Generations at Work. He has also written more than 60 articles, published in recognized business and association journals.

Among many others, Larry has spoken for PMA (Produce Marketing Association,) Fas Mart Convenience Stores, Westinghouse, General Electric, Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Intel Corporation, Southwest Airlines, American Express, McDonald's Corporation, Federal Express, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the American Health Care Association, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Additionally, Larry has eight years of real life experience as a manager in health care, three years as a manager in city government, and 26 years as president of his own consulting firm. All this gives Larry the respect and credibility audiences require. His down-to-earth, humor-packed delivery style seals the deal for them.

The bottom line is that Larry Johnson can help your organization raise productivity, reduce employee turnover and increase customer satisfaction.

Larry Johnson
Featured Videos

Current: The Power of Persistence

Time 02:53

More Videos From Larry Johnson

The Power of Persistence
Time 02:53
Three Steps For Earning A Hearing
Time 07:40
Straight Talk: Communicating With Honesty and Integrity
Time 08:33
Speaking Reel
Time 10:07

Larry Johnson
Featured Keynote Programs

Absolute Honesty
Building A Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk And Rewards Integrity

Let’s face it. Straight, honest, no nonsense communication in organizations today is more rare than common. Whether it’s fear of reprisal, natural timidity, or not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings, many of us avoid telling the truth when the truth needs to be told. The same applies to many of those who work for us.

Based on Larry Johnson’s latest book Absolute Honesty: Building A Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk and Rewards Integrity Larry shows you how to enhance your leadership skills by establishing a new standard of communication – a standard that encourages creativity through candid discussions, frank expression of ideas, and healthy debate. A standard that tells the truth, doesn’t mince words, and is guided by a clear sense of right and wrong.

"George should have been spoken to long ago about his poor performance, but no one had the guts to do it. So now we're stuck with him."

"We sit in meetings and openly discuss a decision. Then once it's been made, I hear that people are bad-mouthing it. Why didn't they say something when they had the chance?"

"No matter how stupid or unethical a decision my team or my dealer makes, we are all expected to embrace the stupidity, never argue, and start singing "Kumbaya."

Do these situations sound familiar? Let's face it. Straight, honest, no nonsense communication in organizations today is more rare than common. Whether it's fear of reprisal, natural timidity, or not wanting to hurt someone's feelings, many of us avoid telling the truth when the truth needs to be told. The same applies to many of those who work for us.

The cost of such reticence can be high. If managers can't get honest feedback from their employees, they, like the emperor in the fable of the Emperor's New Clothes, will make foolish decisions. If employees can't get honest feedback from their managers, they don't improve, and their poor performance costs the organization money and can demoralize employees.

This program, presented as a speech or as a seminar, shows managers and supervisors how to establish a standard of communication that encourages open discussions and healthy debate, that tells the truth, that doesn't mince words, and, most of all, is guided by a moral and ethical sense of right and wrong. Participants will walk away with practical tools for:

Applying the Six Laws of Absolute Honesty that will build trust and reduce the amount of dysfunctional family dynamics that consume people's energy and time
Short circuiting the "Kumbaya" syndrome so that people will speak their mind's openly and honestly without fear of retribution
Using Constructive Confrontation to resolve differences of opinion and fix sticky problems quickly and without damaging relationships
Getting chronic whiners to stop sniveling and do something positive to fix the problems they whine about
Stopping "lipotage," where people give lip-service to a decision and then sabotage the decision in discussions around the water cooler


How to replace the Kumbaya Syndrome - a disease that discourages people from expressing their opinions openly and honestly - with a culture of Absolute Honesty where people feel free to tell you what they think.
How to apply the Six Laws of Absolute Honesty

Law #1: Tell the Truth

The worst truth always beats the best lie. Larry will discuss how to overcome some of the fears, real and imaginary, that keep us from being truthful.
Law #2: Tackle the Problem

M. Scott Peck, author of the Road Less Traveled, said that we only solve life's problems by solving them. Larry will show you how to use Constructive Confrontation to resolve tough problems and handle difficult conversations
Law #3: Disagree and Commit

Based on a concept developed at Intel Corporation and other high tech firms, this law gives you a tool for dealing with whining, moan-festing, "lipotaging, and other forms of passive aggressive, quasi-demonic behavior.
Law #4: Welcome Honesty

It is human nature to become defensive when we feel attacked. When we react defensively to receiving feedback or hearing unwelcome news, communication becomes distorted and the truth never sees the light of day. Larry will discuss how to keep defensiveness from sidetracking conversations.
Law #5: Reward the Messenger

Killing the messengers who bring you bad news will only ensure that you never hear bad news until it's too late. Larry will explore some subtle, and not so subtle ways that we kill messengers and how to replace inadvertent messenger killings with intentional messenger celebrations.
Law #6: Build a Platform of Integrity

In 1982, seven people in the Chicago area died after ingesting Tylenol® Extra Strength capsules that had been laced with cyanide. Johnson & Johnson, the owners of Tylenol, survived the ordeal with an improved reputation and a return to market dominance. Ten years later, Sears Roebuck & Company was wracked with scandal when many of its auto centers were caught cheating customers. Sears suffered significant damage to their reputation and loss of market share. The difference? Throughout the crises, Johnson and Johnson remained true to a well-established ethical credo (a platform of integrity) while Sears did not. Larry will show you how to establish such a platform of integrity in your organization.

TGIM (Thank Goodness It’s Monday)
Motivating Yourself and Others To Excel

This fast-paced, content-packed, humor-laced session shows participants how to reduce employee turn-over, increase employee productivity and enhance employee morale. The program is based on the premise that happy, turned-on employees provide the best service to customers. TGIM gives participants easy-to-use tools to help them motivate themselves and their employees to be those happy, turned on service providers every business needs.

Winning The Word of Mouth Game - Customer Service On Steroids

More than anyone else, it is the people who interact with customers every day who determine whether customers will stay loyal or go elsewhere. This program gives those people the tools and insights to deliver a level of service that will create positive experiences for customers each and every time.

Destroy The Status Quo
Leading Change In A Changing World

In today’s competitive world, organizations face the need to do more with less, innovate constantly, try new strategies to capture markets, and continually improve process and product. Mergers, acquisitions, re-engineering, re-strategizing, re-focusing, and right-sizing have become required. The reality is that you must continually regenerate or you will degenerate. This means that everyone in your organization must embrace change. This presentation give the audience tool they can use immediately to bring about lasting, healthy organizational change.

Larry Johnson
Featured Reviews

Larry Johnson
Featured Articles & Resources

Building a Culture of Accountability Means Fair Play For Everyone

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Avoiding the Naked Emperor Syndrome: Lessons on Corporate Culture from the Secret Service 

In November of 2013, a gunman named Oscar R. Ortega-Hernandez took shots at the White House from outside the grounds, successfully hitting the building. During that event,...
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Topics:   Teamwork ,   Workplace Culture ,   Leadership ,   Management

Positively Outrageous Service Depends On Positively Outrageously Engaged Employees- Larry Johnson

Last year, Southwest Airlines was ranked in the Top Ten Most Admired Companies in America by Fortune Magazine. I wasn’t surprised.   I’ve always liked their service,...
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