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January 30, 2017

Test scores, meet tribe wars: A successful shakeup at Occoquan Elementary

Hamish Brewer: The Relentless Principal - Disrupting the World of Education - TEDx Speaker
By Hamish Brewer
The Relentless Principal - Disrupting the World of Education - TEDx Speaker
Fifth-grader Matthew Benitez, right, pumps his fist after being sorted Tuesday into Lealtad, the Occoquan Elementary “tribe” that typifies loyalty. Principal Hamish Brewer...
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January 25, 2017

If You Can Dream It, "Crush It"

Many of us are running a sprint and don't realize it. We move from activity to activity, put our heads down and blinders on and run forward with blinding speed. A marathon...
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January 24, 2017

The Surprising Connection Between Video Games And Business

Often in business, we bring new employees - such as today's millennials - into a job by having them shadow an experienced professional who probably already has mastered the game...
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January 23, 2017

Event Sponsorship Built on Attendee Mattering

Maricris Nonato:
By Maricris Nonato
Let’s begin with a tough truth: Many sponsorships don’t matter to attendees. Will that sponsor logo on the hotel key card impact a future purchase decision? Does...
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January 22, 2017

Hacking Innovation

Hackers are a global fascination, with cybercrime representing our single biggest threat to national security. Their exploits are front-page news, and may have impacted the...
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January 18, 2017

State of the (Media) Union

Social media is the ultimate democratizer, equalizer, uniter and divider because it gives a voice and platform to anyone who is willing to engage. We are witnessing, and...
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January 17, 2017

How Younger Bosses Can Manage And Lead Older Team Members

I started my first company when I was 26 years old. I suddenly found myself hiring people who were older than me. I made a ton of mistakes, and finally discovered how younger...
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January 16, 2017

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Call To Service

There's power in uplifting others. Speaking to a hopeful crowd in Montgomery, Alabama in 1957, Dr. King shared, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are...
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January 15, 2017

Making it 'Grape' Again

Avery's Beverages - a company founded in a red Connecticut barn over 100 years ago - was struggling. When Sherman Avery started making handcrafted soda back in 1904, he wasn't...
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January 11, 2017

How Professionals Can Learn Emotional Intelligence

We've all had run-ins with bad sales people. In the truest sense, however, sales professionals are facilitators who help bridge the gap between a buyer's most pressing problems...
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January 10, 2017

Two Years Traveling Down A Dark Road

Learning to Live Differently, Balancing Personal and Professional Selves After Tragedy Since I lost my son, Drew at 22 years old, to an undiagnosed medical condition, I've...
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January 10, 2017

What's Your Superpower?

CREDIT: Getty Images We all have something that makes us extraordinary, and once you figure it out you're unstoppable! Cutting To The Core If you want to achieve your...
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Total Pages: 343