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October 09, 2018

New trailer for my show

So you know how I do a one-man show in Santa Monica every Friday night?Well, if you didn't, now you know. (Dates and tickets)I just released this trailer about the show. Think...
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October 09, 2018

How Hip-Hop Artist Ryan Leslie Hopes to Transform Mobile Marketing

What if you could bypass Facebook and connect directly with customers?
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October 09, 2018

US Amputee Soccer Team

I have the honor of competing on the US Amputee Soccer Team. (In fact, we'll be competing in the Amputee World Cup in Mexico this year!)It's a great honor to represent my...
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October 09, 2018

What's the worst thing your character can think about a situation?

In previous posts I’ve discussed the importance of putting obstacles in front of characters as a way to bring conflict into your story. Another way to create conflict is to...
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October 09, 2018

Serve First, Lead Second

Recently, I ate breakfast at Chick-fil-A. The food was delicious, and their uncommon and consistent customer service was excellent as usual. I bet you've eaten at a...
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October 08, 2018

Artful Living

Are you approaching your job and your life as an artistic contribution? This week, Dan will help you enhance your expression and impact in order to gain powerful external and...
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October 08, 2018

What You Can Learn From Susan Collins' Senate Speech For Justice Kavanaugh

Politics aside, Senator Susan Collins' 45-minute speech announcing her support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, delivered lessons that everyone, regardless of political ideology, can...
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October 08, 2018

How to Identify and Deal With Poisonous People

"Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know...
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October 08, 2018

Shorten the Line

Joe DeLoss Strives to Not Simply Serve, but to Passionately Solve "I believe in work. If somebody doesn’t create something, however small it may be, he gets sick. An awful lot...
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October 08, 2018

Dave Sanderson: Declassified- Teamwork is less of ME and more of WE

Dave “declassifies” how he learned to check his ego at the door to accompish the bigger missions in life.
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October 07, 2018

What Business Can Learn From Our (Nutty) Political Landscape

If there's a silver lining in today's polarizing political landscape, it's the increase in activism that is sweeping our country. With intensity unseen since the protests of the...
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Total Pages: 343