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January 30, 2014

Keys to a More Successful Event [VIDEO]

  Biography: Geoff Colvin is an award-winning thinker, author, broadcaster, and speaker on today's most significant trends in business. As FORTUNE’s Senior...
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January 30, 2014

Success is Not Convenient

(Written 4 months before competing in the 2010 Vancouver Olympics) What are you willing to do to reach your goals? All you need to do is whatever it takes - whether it's...
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January 30, 2014

Anne Beiler Attributes Success to Giving

Written by Matthew D’Ippolito Anne Beiler, the founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, says she’s still a little Amish girl at heart.While speaking at Ursinus College’s Lenfest...
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Topics:   Business
January 30, 2014

Non-profit Founder Honored in Charity Book

Acclaimed photographer, John Russo, recently compiled a book titled "100 Making A Difference" that focuses on 100 different people who are changing the world through...
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January 28, 2014

Seniors Supporting Adult Children

My plan is to raise financially fit children so that, when the times come, they can get out of my house and off my books. I love my children, but I look forward to the day they...
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Topics:   Finance Speaker
January 28, 2014

Erik Wahl Releases New 2014 Demo Reel

Erik Wahl is an artist, author, entrepreneur, and visionary. He is internationally recognized as a graffiti artist and one of today’s most sought after speakers on the...
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January 23, 2014

Is Gov. Mike Huckabee Eyeing a 2016 Presidential Bid?

Written by Rebecca Kaplan When members of the Republican National Committee gather for lunch Thursday at their annual winter meeting, they’ll dine with a person who hasn’t been...
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January 23, 2014

The Five Rs of an Effective Briefing

In the first segment of this three-part series of articles, we learned that fighter pilots and meeting planners have much more in common than most people would imagine. Both...
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Topics:   Event
January 20, 2014

Time for Washington to speak the language of the American people

Like toddlers who believe they are the center of the universe, many in official Washington whine about the fact the American people don't devote more time to studying politics...
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January 20, 2014

Secret Service Agent Gives Diguise Tips

Tony & Jonna Mendez: Author and Subject of Oscar Best Picture "Argo", retired CIA Officer
By Tony & Jonna Mendez
Author and Subject of Oscar Best Picture "Argo", retired CIA Officer
Former Secret Service Agent, Jonna Mendez, gives disguise tips to Fox News for quickly hiding in plain site. Jonna, wife of Tony Mendez, focused part of her career on...
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January 16, 2014

Years After Idol, Scott MacIntyre Continues to Inspire

Written by Mark Wilson Four years after competing on American Idol, Scott MacIntyre travels the country, playing the piano, singing, and, in this case, performing for students...
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Topics:   Inspirational
January 16, 2014

Make Your Book A Bestseller: Platform Building Tips From Michael Hyatt

Written by Dorie Clark How can you make your book a bestseller? A good person to ask would be Michael Hyatt, whose 2012 book Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World became an...
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Topics:   Bestselling Authors
Total Pages: 343