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December 20, 2020

The Innovative Connection Between a Children's Hospital and the Ferrari F-1 Pit Crew

The Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children is one of London's most respected healthcare institutions. Despite their long history of success, hospital leaders wanted to...
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Topics:   Leadership ,   Business
December 13, 2020

A Powerful Lesson from Netflix's 'Queen's Gambit'

One of the few truly great things to come from the Pandemic Age is Netflix's incredible new mini-series, The Queen's Gambit. The show tells the story of Beth Harmon (brilliantly...
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December 06, 2020

What Yoda Got Wrong

One of the most famous quotations cited ad nauseam by business leaders, parents, and gym teachers happens to be dead wrong. Yoda, the sage Jedi master, professes thoughtful and...
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November 22, 2020

Getting in Alignment

This past week, I began a four-month endeavor. Regrettably, it isn't a grand effort to combat climate change or eradicate social injustice. Like millions of others, I decided to...
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November 15, 2020

A Tale Of Two Unusual Words

From juicy gossip to salacious reality TV shows to our combative political landscape, some strangely take pleasure in other people's misfortune. For some reason, we might feel...
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November 08, 2020

You're More Creative Than You Think

In a recent experiment at the University of Sydney in Australia, neuroscientists gave 128 volunteers a puzzle to solve that can only be conquered with creativity. The subjects...
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November 01, 2020

Eat Your Popcorn with Chopsticks

We effortlessly perform the same morning ritual - rushing the kids off to school, gulping down the usual coffee, taking the standard route to work. When visiting our favorite...
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October 25, 2020

Spike with Creativity and the Results Will Make You Tipsy

Melissa Tavss grew up in the ice cream business. Her family had been making gelato for years, first in Italy and later in the U.S. It was possible to eke out a living selling...
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October 18, 2020

A Lesson That Both Presidential Candidates Should Embrace

In the most polarized and combative election season in modern history, it's easy to get jaded. As the insults fly, the parties and candidates spend their efforts vilifying each...
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October 11, 2020

Think Outside The Pool

Fiona Fairhurst was facing a challenge. The competitive swimmer was in charge of Speedo's R&D division and charged with inventing a new swimsuit for Olympic athletes to help...
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Topics:   Sports & Adventure ,   Innovation ,   Leadership ,   Olympics
October 04, 2020

Change One Word To Boost Creativity

We've all suffered through the misery of a typical brainstorm session. Flat, mediocre ideas tend to carry the day as the breakthroughs remain elusive. An incremental idea here....
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September 27, 2020

Exactly What We Need

Last night, I read a wonderful story to my four-year-old twins, Avi and Tallia. The book, Caps for Sale and the Mindful Monkeys by Esphyr Slobodkina, tells the story of a...
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Total Pages: 21