Josh Linkner News & Updates
Recent Updates

August 08, 2021

A Simple Way to De-Risk Innovation

We know that embracing innovation is the only way to grow and win over the long term, but it sure can feel risky and overwhelming. This is often because we overemphasize idea...
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July 25, 2021

WARNING: These 17 Questions Will Result in Dangerously High Levels of Creativity

What is this thing made of? What's missing? What was the thinking and context that led to its initial creation? Why did this work in the past? What's different today? How has...
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June 13, 2021

Three Little Big Ideas

(1) THE ALL-AT-ONCE TRAP When tackling a big problem or seizing a juicy opportunity, we instinctively try to solve the challenge with one, gigantic, perfect idea. Problem is,...
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June 06, 2021

The One Question Effective CEOs Ask Themselves Everyday

Jaws dropped last week when readers devoured The Wall Street Journal's annual CEO compensation report. Despite the pandemic-savaged economy, Paycom Software founder and CEO Chad...
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May 23, 2021

Awesome, Dude

Most of us have experienced that chills-down-your spine feeling of awe. The texture of handmade al dente pasta at La Darsena, an outdoor cafe in the lakefront town of Como,...
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May 16, 2021

A New DaVinci Code

I never had a dog growing up. In fact, for years I didn't really understand what all the fuss was about. Pets seemed messy, expensive, and illogical. And then my wife Tia and I...
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May 09, 2021

What Your Brain And Your Lawn Have In Common

When we hear stories about world-class creators like Lady Gaga or Lin Manuel-Miranda, or ultra-successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk or Sara Blakely, we immediately think...
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April 25, 2021

How a Forced Experiment Led to a Faster Commute

When news of the labor strike broke, commuters were furious. London's Underground, affectionately known as the "tube", is the subway system responsible for transporting millions...
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April 18, 2021

A Five-Minute Morning Ritual to Radically Boost Your Creativity

These days, there are more tips for your morning routine than there are menu items at your local diner (I'll take the artisanal, gluten-free, low-carb, egg white and seared...
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April 13, 2021

Josh Linkner - Big Little Breakthroughs

Brian Lord: Hi, I'm Brian Lord, your host to the Beyond Speaking podcast and today we have on a proud, creative troublemaker, Josh Linkner. So Josh has been the founder and...
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April 11, 2021

Busting the Five Myths of Creativity

Mention the word creativity, and people begin to squirm in their chairs. The very thought can prompt anxiety, fear, and doubt -- even in the most accomplished professionals. At...
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April 04, 2021


We've heard it a hundred times. "Under-promise, and over-deliver." It's one of those truisms that appear indisputable, right up with "the customer is always right" and "the...
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Total Pages: 21