Jim Carroll News & Updates
Recent Updates

May 21, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "Spend more time with successful failures!"

"Spend more time with successful failures!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll People who fail but then bounce back are the ones who really succeed in the long run. Wouldn't it make...
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May 17, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "A simple formula for innovation? Imagination, ingenuity & initiative!"

"A simple formula for innovation? Imagination, ingenuity & initiative!" Futurist Jim Carroll Use your creativity to think about what's possible. Figure out a really unique...
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May 16, 2019

Daily Inspiration: "Don't just stay one step ahead - stay one trend ahead!"

"Don't just stay one step ahead – stay one trend ahead!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll I've now been speaking to clients around the world about future trends and innovation for 25...
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May 15, 2019

Driving Attendance at Hi-Tech Customer Events ! Kicking it Up a Notch with a Pre-Event Video!

An increasing number of clients are looking for a short little video to promote their event, and I’ve been delivering! Over 25 years, I’ve spoken at over 100 hi-tech company...
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May 15, 2019

This Week: Celebrating 25 Years on the Stage, 25 Years in the Speaking Industry!

This is a wonderful month – in that it marks 25 years that I’ve been on stage! My very first ‘career’ event was a public relations event, this very week, at what was then...
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May 04, 2016

The Future of Education - Rethinking Opportunity In the Era of Knowledge Velocity

Sixty five percent of the children who are in pre-school today will work in a job or career that doesn’t yet exist. Half of what students learn in their first year at college...
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May 03, 2016

The Internet of Things - Disruption and Opportunity In An Era of Pervasive Connectivity

Every industry is set to be transformed as an era of hyper connectivity becomes the new norm. The result? Massive business model disruption; the rapid emergence of new...
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Total Pages: 7