Jeanne Bliss | Guiding Companies to Become the Best Version of Themselves

Jeanne Bliss

Guiding Companies to Become the Best Version of Themselves

Jeanne Bliss

Jeanne Bliss helps companies and people become the best version of themselves. She guides them to define, build and live the behaviors and actions that will fuse customers to them, and ultimately create deep and memorable relationships. Creating these deeper relationships has been Jeanne's singular mission for over 35 years.

Often referred to as the "Godmother of Customer Experience," she is one of the foremost experts on customer-centric leadership. She pioneered the role of the Chief Customer Officer, holding the first-ever CCO role at Lands' End, Microsoft, Coldwell Banker, and Allstate Corporations. Reporting to each company's CEO, she moved the customer to the strategic agenda, redirecting priorities to create transformational changes to each brands' customer experience. She has driven achievement of 95 percent loyalty rates, improving customer experiences across 50,000-person organizations.

Her ability to effectively guide leaders and companies to earn customer-driven growth is based on these experiences as a practitioner for over 35 years working across organizations to unite the C-Suite and organizational silos; as well as guiding over 20,000 leaders around the world to understand that improving lives should be their most important strategic vision.

Jeanne is the Founder and President of CustomerBliss, and the Co-Founder of The Customer Experience Professionals Association, and she has delivered over 2,000 speeches and workshops for nearly every business vertical in B2B and C2B companies on how to build the roadmap toward these deep and genuine customer experiences that earn passionate advocates both inside and outside of your business.

Jeanne is also a Bestselling Author:
Chief Customer Officer (Jossey-Bass, 2006) This groundbreaking book was the first of its kind to address the role of the customer leadership executive. It quickly became a bestseller and has been translated into eight languages.

Would You Do that To Your Mother? (Portfolio/Penguin, 2018) This New Release is filled with tools you can start applying immediately to turn uncomfortable customer moments into "we got your back" experiences that would make your mom proud and will win you love and loyalty from your customers.

Chief Customer Officer 2.0 (Wiley, 2015) A 5-Competency roadmap to build your customer-driven growth engine. This book contains an explicit path and set of actions to unite your Chief Customer Officer and leadership team in leading your customer-driven transformation.

I Love You More than My Dog: Five Decisions that Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Bad (Portfolio, 2001) In this bestseller, Jeanne shares 45 case studies that highlight decisions made by beloved companies that your company can emulate to earn devoted customers, social media accolades and growth, even in a down economy.

Jeanne Bliss
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Time 09:19

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Speaking Reel
Time 09:19
Free Virtual Fridays - Would You Do That To Your Mother?
Time 27:26
Five Decisions to Transform Into a Beloved Company
Time 03:41

Jeanne Bliss
Featured Keynote Programs


How Will You Be Remembered?

Jeanne learned about humanity in business by watching her Dad in his Buster Brown shoe store in Des Plaines, Illinois. He shoe’d a generation of children, and their children’s children, and the memory of his care, not only for the tiny little feet, but for moms and legions of families he cared for over the years, earned him a place in the story of their lives. So much so, that when he retired, a line of people THREE-BLOCKS LONG stood to tell him how buying shoes would never be the same. The foundation of Experience is MEMORY creation. The admired companies start here. They focus on how their people, actions and overall behavior of their company establishes how they’ll be remembered. Knowing how you want people to remember you, building how you will deliver those memories, and then living those characteristics and behaviors yields what Jeanne Bliss describes as prosperity of the human spirit and financial prosperity.

Learn the art and science of delivering memories that will make people stand in line for your experience, your product and your people.
Understand the value of memory creation as the currency of your brand.
Inspire your people to be MEMORY MAKERS, who deliver moments that pull people toward you and your organization.


5 Leadership Steps for Living the DNA of “Experience”

Just HOW do you go about earning customer-driven growth? What’s different about leadership, motivation, communication and accountability in a transformed customer company….and how did they get there? This keynote will answer those questions and demystify that path for you. It is based on Jeanne’s 25 years as a Chief Customer Officer, her experiences coaching over 20,000 executives the content in her seminal book, Chief Customer 2.0 and her Podcast interviews with over 200 Global Chief Customer Officers.

In the words of Senior VP & Chief Customer Officer at Oracle, Jeb Dasteel, “If Jeanne Bliss hadn’t written her first book, I wouldn’t be in the role I have today… She continues to provide leading guidance for Chief Customer Officers.”

Jeanne outlines her 5-steps necessary to successfully lead a customer experience transformation.
She will guide you on how to embed these competencies into your organization to get into action quickly with a united leadership team.


Raise Up Your Company and Your People

Experience in its purest form…is Leadership BRAVERY. It is Leadership Bravery in making choices that enable your people to rise. It is clearly knowing and living conscience-led decisions about what you will and will not do, to grow. It is leaders who model behaviors honoring customers and employees – that everyone can model across your entire organization. And it is honoring customers’ lives in how you conduct yourself in business and for the kind of people you are. This yields what Jeanne Bliss calls “Admirable Growth.” This growth fuses people to you. It raises your employees and it elevates your company in the marketplace. It establishes the legacy for how you’ll be remembered.

Learn the 5 key acts of LEADERSHIP BRAVERY that drive this powerful type of growth few companies achieve.
Travel with Jeanne as she guides your audience on a tour of the behaviors and actions of leaders who raise the spirits of their people and elevate them to do more and achieve more than their competitors.
Create a roadmap for your path to this type of admirable and prosperous growth and legacy.


Show the Best Version of Your Company & Your People to the World

Creating Customer Experience without HUMANITY is just a bunch of business tactics. This keynote is a fast-track lift-off for your customer experience efforts, that will inspire your audience to include the often-overlooked critical element of transformation: understanding the human at the end of your decisions. Creating caring Customer Experiences should not be as difficult as some make it. Just ask yourself, “Would I do that to my mother?” That question inspired Jeanne to write her latest strategy-rich book, Would You Do that To Your Mother? as a common-sense guide on making business personal and winning customer loyalty. The most admired companies who earn ardent supporters and organic growth angst over who these people are, how they live their lives, and understand their goals. They build respect, honor, and trust into their operating model and with their people. And they are celebrated for how they show up as people, and for the care, the thoughtfulness and the humanity that they have woven into their operating model. This is a fast-paced and uplifting ride of the reality of the lives of our customers, blended with turning on “aha!” moments to give your employees the tools and motivation to make business personal, inspire your customers’ loyalty, and make mom proud!

Jeanne will customize this speech by working with you to select the case studies in each of the four areas that define the lives of YOUR customers.
This customized approach will give your audience a path for actions they can take immediately, often with very little investment, rather than a seismic shift in attitude, and will inspire them to act.

Jeanne Bliss
Featured Books

Would You Do That to Your Mother?by Jeanne Bliss

Would You Do That to Your Mother?

by Jeanne Bliss
Customer experience pioneer Jeanne Bliss shows why "Make Mom Proud" companies outperform their competition. Her 5-step guide to customer experience and culture transformation makes this achievement possible.

Bliss urges companies to
make business personal to earn ardent fans and admirers, by focusing on one deceptively simple question: "Would you do that to your mother?"

"Make Mom Proud" companies give customers the treatment they desire, and employees the ability to deliver it. They turn "gotcha" moments into "we've got your back" moments by rethinking business practices, and they enable employees to be part of the solution to fix customer frustrations.

Bliss scoured the marketplace seeking companies who excel at living their core values, grounded in what we all learned as kids. She offers a five-step plan for evaluating your current behaviors and implementing actions at every level of the organization.

Step 1. "Be the Person I Raised You to Be"
Understand how you are hiring, developing and trusting employees to bring the best version of themselves to work. Vail resorts, for example, the world's largest ski resort operator, banned the three words "Our policy is..." from their vocabulary, freeing employees to take spirited actions to deliver "the experience of a lifetime."

Step 2. "Don't Make Me Feed You Soap"
Learn the eight key frustrations that bind us as customers (waiting, fear, anxiety, the black hole of no communication, etc.) and how to apply actions from companies who are delivering a seamless, frictionless and easy experience.

Step 3. "Put Others Before Yourself"
Determine if your focus is on helping customers achieve their goals - and evaluate how that is fueling your growth. Canada's Mayfair Diagnostics, for example, spent over a year studying the emotions of patients entering an imaging clinic, so they could redesign their welcome to deliver warmth and caring over procedure and process. The newly designed clinic achieved profitability in record time.

Step 4. "Take the High Road"
Learn how companies who do the right thing rise above the competition. Virgin Hotels, for example, named #1 U.S. hotel by Conde Nast Reader's Choice Awards, walked away from price gouging at the mini bar, so you'll never pay more for that Snickers bar than what you'd pay at the corner market.

Step 5. "Stop the Shenanigans!"
Evaluate your current company behaviors and identify the key actions that you can begin immediately.

With 32 case studies and examples from more than 85 companies, this is a practical and easy to follow guide for your experience and culture transformation. Filled with comics to snapshot our experiences as customers, a "mom lens" to reflect continuously on your performance, and a "make-mom-proud-ometer" quiz - the book makes Bliss's approach accessible and approachable.

Join the movement to #MakeMomProud by applying this book across your organization. Whether you're contemplating your company's returns policy, its social media presence, or its big-picture strategy, this approach will help your company anticipate both employee and customer needs, extend patience, and show respect at all times.

I Love You More Than My Dog: Five Decisions That Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Badby Jeanne Bliss

I Love You More Than My Dog: Five Decisions That Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Bad

by Jeanne Bliss
"I highly recommend reading this book!" -Tony Hsieh, CEO,

Lots of businesses are respected, but only an elite few have passionate, loyal, vocal fans. The kind of customers who not only come back time and time again, but rave to friends, family, and even strangers. The kind who can drive explosive growth via e-mail, blogs, Facebook, and Twitter. Jeanne Bliss is an expert on what it takes to earn that kind of customer.

Bliss has studied and worked with many beloved companies, from longtime successes like Wegmans and Harley-Davidson to relatively new companies like Zappos and The Container Store. They all make the same five fundamental choices. Their reward: an army of fans who say things like, "I'd marry them if I could," and "I love you more than my dog!"

Chief Customer Officer 2.0by Jeanne Bliss

Chief Customer Officer 2.0

by Jeanne Bliss

A Customer Experience Roadmap to Transform Your Business and Culture

Chief Customer Officer 2.0 will give you a proven framework that has launched and advanced the customer experience transformation in businesses in every vertical around the world.

And it will take years off your learning curve.

Written by Jeanne Bliss, worldwide authority on customer experience, and preeminent thought leader on the role of the Customer Leadership Executive (such as Chief Customer Officer, Vice President of Customer Experience, etc.) this book follows the five-competency model she uses to coach the C-Suite and Chief Customer Officers.

1. Manage and Honor Customers as Assets

2. Align Around Experience

3. Build a Customer Listening Path

4. Proactive Experience Reliability and Innovation

5. One Company Accountability, Leadership & Decision Making

Chief Customer Officer 2.0 will get you into action quickly with a united leadership team, and will shift your business intent to earning the right to growth by improving customers' lives. Jeanne Bliss fearlessly shares her tools and leadership 'recipe cards' for leading and enabling your business transformation. And she provides practical guidance on how embed the five competencies into how your company develops products, goes to market, enables and rewards people, and conducts annual planning.

Including over forty accounts of actions by Customer Leadership Executives around the world, this is the book you have been waiting for that tells it like it is and gives you the framework to build your customer-driven growth engine.

Jeanne Bliss pioneered the Customer Leadership Executive position, holding the role for twenty years at Lands' End, Allstate, Coldwell Banker, Mazda and Microsoft Corporations. Since 2002 she has led CustomerBliss, a preeminent customer experience transformation company where she helps companies achieve customer-driven growth. She is a worldwide keynote speaker, and sought frequently by major media for her point of view. Jeanne is the co-founder of the Customer Experience Professionals Association, established to advance the worldwide discipline of customer experience and customer experience practitioners. She is also the best-selling author of Chief Customer Officer: Getting Past Lip Service to Passionate Action (2006), and I Love You More than My Dog: Five Decisions to Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Bad (2011).

Jeanne Bliss
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PAST: Jeanne Bliss | 9/25

Would You Do That To Your Mother? The “Make Mom Proud” Standard for How to Grow Your Business. The most beloved companies are rooted in trust. In belief. In their humanity. And...
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Let Goodness in Business Prevail. Human and Financial Prosperity Will Follow.

Let goodness prevail instead of fear. Let kindness and grace be our first instinct. Let trust and respect become translated now into our business lives. These will lead to every...
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