Jack Sims | Growing Small Business Into Big Brands

Jack Sims

Growing Small Business Into Big Brands

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Jack Sims

Founder and CEO of the largest marketing agency in America, Jack Sims is one of those rare people who started his business education at the age of eleven, by working in his parents Mom & Pop store in England. That's where he first learned the importance of customers and treating them correctly. This awareness of looking after your customers, keeping your promises and developing a brand that people will go out of their way to get, and pay a premium price for, has stood the test of time and enabled him to create the the largest marketing agency in America.

Starting in the embryonic Promotional Marketing industry he quickly realized that to attain substantial business growth that forward thinking companies are looking for, they must make sure that their marketing, branding and business basics are on track. This is the same thinking he used when he started his first company in the UK, and it worked, it became consistently ranked as one of the top creative groups in the country.

He came to America and opened his marketing agency out of his apartment in White Plains, New York. It quickly started gaining some brand awareness, which led to gaining clients who are some of the biggest and best brands on the planet, companies like Polaroid, British Airways, Burger King, Lever, General Foods, Nestle signed on as retainer clients. His company won the promotional marketing industries highest awards, not once but twice, on the way to becoming the #1 ranked and largest marketing agency in the country, and it retained that position two years in a row.

Why did this happen? Because Jack's vision is all about moving the business, brand or market share growth needle, and this comes through in every project he works on.

After selling his business to Wall Street, Jack wrote his first book "Growing small businesses into Big Brands" which explains the whole process of how to build a successful brand, and it is now in its third printing. He has since written "You can't see your Backswing - How to Win at Business & Golf" which is based on his experiences as a professional golfer and combined with his lifelong experiences of growing businesses. He has been a marketing consultant for major fast moving companies who are serious about attaining sustainable business growth and has achieved some amazing success. He has worked his magic with small companies too, one of companies he consulted for, managed to gain a whopping 35% compounded growth for seven years and became the brand leader in the category too.

Jack still consults, between appearing on TV and radio shows as a business growth expert and speaks to corporations and associations who are looking to improve their business bottom line through marketing, branding and the business basics. Just a few of the corporations he speaks for are Harley-Davidson, Novartis, LexisNexis, Washington Group International and he also speaks for associations as diverse as American Perfume Society, Industrial Fabrics Association, American Locksmith's, National Frame Building Association and dozens more.

Jack Sims
Featured Keynote Programs

Jack Up your PROFITS and Business Growth

This Profit-driven BUSINESS GROWTH session is PERFECT for:

• CEOs, entrepreneurs, and leaders.
• Senior and middle management.
• Profit... it's the purpose of business. And numbers are how we keep score.
• It's always about the numbers. Knowing the numbers is the easy part.
• The tough part is in achieving the numbers and then growing them for the long haul.
• What does it take to run great numbers for the long haul?

Jack has done just that! He has the experience it takes to run great numbers... and numbers are the way we keep score in business whether you like it or not! Jack has literally "been there, done that," creating two hugely successful businesses on two continents as a result. One became the largest marketing agency in America by helping some of the biggest brands on the planet grow their businesses. The experiences he gained are delivered as information that will motivate audiences to grow their businesses and make bigger profits and get delivered with some fun and great real-world stories too!

Developing a successful business strategy is relatively easy. The problem is getting it executed. Jack Sims will show you how he shares his business experiences and knowledge to help you realize "profitable business growth".

• Find out what your biggest business asset is, and make it even bigger and better.
• Learn what is imperative to understand to get profitable growth for your business.
• Discover the very core of successful marketing communications.
• Know the top 3 growth tools that will positively affect profitable business growth.
• Learn the number one thing you need to know to become a business success.

Jack's keynote presentations are: Based on real-world experiences that motivate audiences with his high energy and impeccable information that persuade them to take serious action and make a difference in their world. His skill and advice have proven to work in the real business world and on the golf course too. You will laugh at his stories, be excited by his delivery, but most importantly you will be able to walk away with information that will motivate you to get serious profitable business growth.


This is a BRAND GROWTH session IDEAL for:

• Corporations and Associations
• CEO's, Presidents.
• Senior and middle management.

The fact is that there is always a brand leader in every marketplace, every year and brand leaders make more money than their competition. They get better customers, hire better employees, and charge a premium price. Reality check; your brand is probably the biggest financial asset you have.
Do you know what your brand stands for?
Do you have a brand plan of action?
Get motivated about your brand and see your profits soar!

Growing a successful brand is not just for the Apple Computers, Nike, Toyota's, etc of this world, every business, indeed, every person has a brand, and that's what makes us stand out in a crowd and customers to pay a premium price to do business with us.

What audiences will take away:

Learn the 6 key components of BRAND BUILDING Jack has used to help grow some of the biggest brands in the world.

• How you can get your customers to grow your business and your BRAND.
• How to positively impact short and long term BRAND growth for your business?
• Why a down market is a huge opportunity for you to get sustainable business and incremental brand share.
• Discover the biggest brand-building mistakes that companies make, so that you don't have to!

Jack's keynote presentations are: Based on real-world experiences that motivate audiences with his high energy and impeccable information that persuade them to take serious action and make a difference in their world. His skill and advice have proven to work in the real business world and on the golf course too. You will laugh at his stories, be excited by his delivery, but most importantly you will be able to walk away with information that will motivate you to get serious profitable business growth.

Jack Up Your Marketing for serious Profitability!


• CEO's, Presidents, Senior and middle management and all line personnel.
• Companies and start-up's who are looking for serious market growth

Most people that start businesses are usually very good at what they do. But it doesn't mean that they are good at business. The truth is that 50% of all start-ups fail in the first two years because they don't know how to market their business. This session will not only give the audience the information but will motivate them to take some serious action.
Session In this session Jack covers many of the real-world experiences that have enabled him to grow two successful businesses of his own and some of the best businesses in the world. Jack gets down and dirty on the things that work and more importantly don't work in the world we compete in.


• Learn the "Top Ten" marketing mistakes that most companies make!
• Discover what great leaders do to give their businesses the best chance of success.
• Find the big secret of what the top companies do to maintain their leadership status.
• Learn the answer to the biggest question on attaining, sustainable business growth.
• How your customers can help you skyrocket your business.

Jack's keynote presentations are: Based on real-world experiences that motivate audiences with his high energy and impeccable information that persuade them to take serious action and make a difference in their world. His skill and advice have proven to work in the real business world and on the golf course too. You will laugh at his stories, be excited by his delivery, but most importantly you will be able to walk away with information that will motivate you to get serious profitable business growth.

Par for the Course, Just Isn't Good Enough Anymore!

This is a BUSINESS GROWTH session IDEAL for:

• Corporations and Associations
• CEO's, Presidents.
• Senior and middle management.
• Golfers and non-golfers alike!!!!

Wouldn't you like to know the same secrets that great business leaders know and use in making their companies become brand leaders, and professional golfers like Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and Like Donald know in becoming winners in their sport too?
Well, now you can!

Jack Sims discovered these secrets after a career of successfully founding businesses in Europe and the US, including America's largest marketing agency, and by becoming an acclaimed golf teaching professional. The fact is that the secrets of great business leaders and winning professional golfers are EXACTLY the same. In this keynote session, he will share those secrets with the audience to help them grow their business and make their golf game better too!

What you will take away:
The 3 key Secrets great business leaders and leading professional golfers know, making you a winner in the office and on the golf course. Understand and Embrace the Six Winning Success Strategies Used by winning golf professionals that can be used by successful management teams.

• Unlock the Key to the Single Most Important Tip to Improving the Odds in your Business....and it'll improve your golf game too!
• Discover the 6 most important steps that will give you the ultimate measurement of success that leads to WINNING NUMBERS; They are based on Jack's inside knowledge of business growth and the world of professional golfers.

Jack's keynote presentations are: Based on real-world experiences that motivate audiences with his high energy and impeccable information that persuade them to take serious action and make a difference in their world. His skill and advice have proven to work in the real business world and on the golf course too. You will laugh at his stories, be excited by his delivery, but most importantly you will be able to walk away with information that will motivate you to get serious profitable business growth.

Jack Sims
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Jack Sims

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