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November 08, 2017

The One Thing Most People Forget When Asking Questions

Great leaders knows how to communicate clearly and succinctly. They also know how to do this one thing better than anyone.
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October 31, 2017

3 Ways Ghosts (Not Goblins) Can Scare Away Competitors

Ghosting the competition doesn't have to be scary. It's an effective strategy you can use to gain leverage over the competition. Here are three ways to do it right.
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October 24, 2017

Avoid This Mistake When Driving End-Of-Year Business

As 2017 winds down, there are a few end-of-the-year sales traps you'll want to avoid. Here are some common mistakes companies make year-end and how your business can circumvent...
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October 18, 2017

The Best Employees And Leaders Possess This Incredible Skill

In business, things don't always go your way. Salespeople might lose deals, physicians could lose patients, and when anything negative happens, you could easily lose your...
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October 11, 2017

Why Subject Matter Experts Crush Salespeople And Order Takers

Customers view experts as assets whose knowledge and experience they value and trust. Here's how organizations can groom their sales teams to behave more like experts and less...
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October 03, 2017

How Playing Games Can Lead To Serious Results In Business

If you want your employees to learn new skills and develop innovative ways of thinking, playing games might be the most effective thing you can do.
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September 30, 2017

3 Ways To Grab People's Attention And Leave A Lasting Impression

Influential leaders know how to capture people's attentions and leave lasting impressions. Turns out, the skills influencers use to persuade aren't inherent; they can be...
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September 26, 2017

3 Ways To Grow Your Sales Without Discounting Your Prices

Vendors who sell based on value instead of lowest price will always have demand for their products and services. Here's how to sell customers on value, not price.
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September 20, 2017

How One Company Grew From $30 Million To $100 Million In Less Than 4 Years

Howard Rogers, CEO of Brightclaim, says his company's amazing growth can be credited to one key principle: focus on the customer.
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September 12, 2017

The Dos And Don'ts Of Mentoring

Mentorship is critical to business success. Here are some rules of thumb to make sure your mentee-mentor relationship is an effective one.
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September 05, 2017

Is Your Business Prepared To Withstand A Crisis? Here Are 3 Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself

Natural disaster like Hurricane Harvey can be devastating for businesses. The steps you take in advance can make for an easier, and quicker, recovery.
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August 31, 2017

5 Things To Cover At Your Next Sales Conference To Actually Help Salespeople Sell More

Instead of spending time covering all the bells and whistles of a product, show salespeople how to sell the product. Here's how.
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Total Pages: 10