Dan Thurmon News & Updates
Recent Updates

April 02, 2019

Better Than Best

When does pursing what is “best” actually work against you? What’s in your best interest may be a pursuit of a better option. This short (2.5 min video) will change your...
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March 26, 2019

Who's to Blame?

Who's to blame? There are basically three ways to answer that question. Watch this video to discover your default response, and recalibrate for the best immediate and long term...
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March 18, 2019

Everyday Vacation

Are you looking forward to your next vacation? What if you could take one right now, today? Take a break with this video for two minutes, and gain strategies to attain the...
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March 12, 2019

Some People Suck

What do you do when you're dealing with someone who totally sucks your energy, your joy, and your focus? Today, let's talk about what you can do when encountering someone who...
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March 04, 2019

Keeping Score

Who's winning? Who's just whining? And what is the score, anyway? How do you measure progress, success, or significance? When is "keeping score" a good thing, and when does...
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February 25, 2019

Harsh Realities

Which is more comfortable to you - your inner world, or your external world? Do things seem fine on the surface when you're actually really struggling? Or are you facing...
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February 18, 2019

Long Term Right Now

How do you take a "long view" perspective in the midst of immediate challenges? Intentions don't create outcomes, but intentional action will. The problem is, too often,...
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February 11, 2019

Bold Choices - Road Trip

Are you making old choices? Or are you making bold choices? Sometimes the less practical answer might be exactly what will bring you the greatest rewards! This week we’re Off...
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February 04, 2019

Going Deep at The NAMM Show

Are you still scratching the surface, or are you going deep in your field and your life? This week we’re Off Balance On Purpose at The NAMM Show - the world’s largest music...
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January 28, 2019


How comfortable are you meeting new people? And are others comfortable meeting you? Today we’re going to improve our approach-ability, OBOP in Las Vegas!
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January 21, 2019

What Are You Thinking

Today I need to ask, what are you thinking? And are your thoughts preventing you from getting what you really want?
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January 14, 2019

Expanding and Contracting

When it comes to your abilities, your understanding, and your life, are you expanding? Or are you contracting? This video includes a special “twist” that may challenge your...
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Total Pages: 20