Dan Thurmon News & Updates
Recent Updates

June 25, 2019

Reversing Polarity

 You can't make other people less negative. You can change yourself and influence others by example. But when experiencing negativity, how exactly do you "switch" to a positive...
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June 18, 2019

Back to School

 If you could learn anything, what would you choose? How do you get started in the midst of your busy life? You don't have to go away to college to go back to school. This...
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June 11, 2019

Adjust Your Default

Life moves fast, and your first reaction dramatically shapes your future reality. Is it helpful? Or even intentional? Today let’s adjust your “default response” to serve you...
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June 04, 2019

What Gives?

What gives? Do you hear that question as a challenge, a charge, or a chance to contribute? This two-minute video will reveal exactly how re-aligning your approach can create...
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May 28, 2019

Acceptable Cost

Any undertaking and every choice you make carries with it a cost. Will the price of your success, or your inaction, ultimately be acceptable? There’s more to consider than you...
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May 21, 2019

Discouraged, Defeated and Done

It's easy to build upon momentum when things are going great. But what do you do when you've hit a major setback, become deeply discouraged or feel ready to quit? Use this video...
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May 14, 2019

Escaping Reality

Do you long to escape your daily reality? This short video delivers a 3 minute “getaway” from Dan’s trip to Singapore that will shed new light on how “escapes” can serve us… or...
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May 07, 2019

Excellence and Influence

You never know who's in your "audience," and this week in Kuala Lumpur I had my mind BLOWN by an unexpected encounter! Hear the story in this week's video, and find out the...
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April 30, 2019

Finding Your Flow

Overcoming life's demands and conflicts can become an exhausting, all-consuming reality. And yet some people seem to move through life with relative ease, finding "lucky...
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April 23, 2019

More Time

What would you do if you had more time? Are you using time as a tool or as an excuse? Invest just two and a half minutes in this week’s video, and gain perspective and steps to...
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April 16, 2019

Sweet Pleasure

What do you do when you feel like caving in or abandoning your best intentions? When your commitment and discipline are tested, you might opt for an even sweeter kind of...
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April 09, 2019

What To Do When You Doubt

This week, I had three people tell me they were struggling with self-doubt, asking for ideas to help. Great topic, as self-doubt … or shaken confidence, is part of the human...
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Total Pages: 20